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Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by NaruMisaki

  1. Are you on right now?

  2. You scammed me! i knew it LOL

  3. You wanna go sir? ;D bring it onz
  4. oh my. Uh, its The IDOLM@STER. I suggest for you to watch it. Wonderful character designs, songs and story. I like it very much as I played the games as well. the games are fun :D
  5. Saw it too lul. ~_~
  6. Im sure the guys will love Love life if they were into iM@S. No one excited about hetalia?
  7. no more tag-teaming with you anymore squiddy ;__;
  8. Need more 2hoo'z and Nagi obviously [media=]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nm8jdj7VgZE[/media]
  9. omegerd! I'm trusted xD
  10. Wad chu mean by this squid. Am i not good enough for jooo lululul. Heck with all the shiets happening. I have to say either Yummi or Mokeru deserve the best pally thang recognitionz
  11. someone who i'd trust. eh. Ami. Beat's heck i dunno his forum account lol
  12. Do Pm me Hanazono Hikari , Kasukabe Saki or Kikuchi Makoto in game <3
  13. Just dropping by to tell you that nozoki ana is getting an animation counterpart. How awesome is that for someone perverted like you ;DD

  14. Sef's and Jow's !
  15. more itanz!
  16. Oh noes. Thanks for replying xD
  17. are the old scarfs never going to be like it used to? D:
  18. what were you doing spy-in' on my forum account xD

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