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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by geldaz

  1. I though you were arround the 30s. Sowy :o>
  2. We got a granny player! How old are you? :o
  3. MY NAME IS MR B,AND I'M A NIGHTELF MOHAWK!. Lawl. I love my nelf.
  4. He still has to get some more balance,but not bad at all (: But it's kinda ''pointless'' if you can't do that on a real game,with real players. My bro used to play freestyle soccer :>. But he kinda quitted it since he had no more time. That's my bro,on the old days.
  5. geldaz

    Player AI

    The creator can be PD and Dodge. Even not doing much damage,can end breaking a armour or two,or making people switch
  6. geldaz

    Player AI

    I've seen somebody duel-clientening with a SinX and a Auto-AD creator following the SinX with some command. Now dat should be illegal.
  7. I'm a supper addict to rythm games,and I found out this DDR version for PC. It's kinda like Stepmania / FretsonFire but this one you don't need to download anything. Simply go to the site flashflashrevolution.com I started 2 days ago and I'm going for Gurus songs. I'll be making videos soon (( When I learn to >.> )). Post your opinion,and hell yeah your score/fave song/videos :D
  8. She didn't die >.> And that movie fails completely. Babylon ftw.
  9. geldaz

    It's time.

    Bai sweet. I hope you become a doctor so I can finally get sickness all over meh. Ju fav e-kid,bruno.
  10. ''SHE TOLD ME SHE WAS EIGHTEEN!!'' ''We got candy,get in the van''.
  11. geldaz


    shush gilga. Atleast my pokemon phase as passed /:
  12. geldaz


    I can be mature when I want to. You know that dude (:. And I've got my RIGHTS to be immature. I'm 14. Gotta have fun with it while it lasts.
  13. I never flammed , less QQkkthxbb. To be intopic (: (( If this gets deleted ... you know what's comming for you )). Oldschool Skateboarding ftw.
  14. I start thinking Mods are a robot. Everytime there's a problem,that's the ONLY single thing you say. Ryoji is right. They deleted my POST because I said '' Why you act so gangzta?''. Although his post contains obscenity,and words WAY WORST than ''Gangzta''. If you delete some posts,delete the others aswell. Or the ''Favoritism'' word will rise uppon us,AGAIN. If you want to talk to me,do it here,so everyone can see what's happening. PM won't lead to anything. Won't bother waiting 10 minutes for a 2 line message.
  15. geldaz

    1x1 Event.

    I got no idea who you are,but whenever you want a 1x1, bring it on (:
  16. What's your favorite sentence? :D I'll start ,mine is : ''Silence! I kill you!''
  17. geldaz


    [ Leader ] .Paranoic Spiral. [ Co-Leader ] Mypenis I think. [ Allies ] None. [ Antagonists ] None. [ Rules ] Do not killing guildmates. Do not insult other guild members. Be active. [ Requirements ] Level 255. PvP experienced. Mature. Decent English speaking. Active for WoE. [ How To Join ] PM any member online and they shall redirect you to someone who has invite powers. Then you'll be intrevisted. Information about this guild: -I made this guild with the goal to have success in WoE and PvP. I want to show everyone what WE can make as a TEAM,that we can surpass anyone and anything.It's a WoE/PvP/FUN/Active guild on its beggining. We will also make events as we've got more players. We will also help you with anything you need. From killing MvPs to helping you in PvP,ANYTIME,agaisn't ANYONE.
  18. geldaz

    1x1 Event.

    Update: Ok guys,we're surely going to keep this on since it's going pretty well. I'm making this post to tell ye I might be doing this with my Lord Knight now. His name is .Paranoic Spiral. Hey thiago,why don't you give 100 coupons + 1 fcp weapon scroll? (:
  19. geldaz

    1x1 Event.

    We're back :D Everytime we both are on and an LMS opens,we will win it :D We both just drawed today on a LMS. Our legacy is back,biatch.
  20. Hell,your eyes are soo preeetttyyy and hot. I'd kill for a set of eyes like these.
  21. geldaz

    1x1 Event.

    I doubt I'm online at that time. I'm not an fRO addict sorry. Just PM .Paranoia Agent. or Thi@go. whenever your online and ask us for the duel.
  22. geldaz

    1x1 Event.

    Well,I've got my own spot to do the real business. :D No lag,no people,NO EXCUSES. You're just SUPPOSED to PM one of us telling you want to duel us for the Event. Or whenever you ask say it's for the event so In case you lose or win,I put up ye name. UPDATING FIRST POST SOON : People who have dueled me and thiago,and if they lost/won.
  23. geldaz

    1x1 Event.

    That's the only problem. I though about having a GM with us, but it might not be possible to have one all the time we do it.
  24. geldaz

    1x1 Event.

    That's so not gonna happen dude. I'm doing this on my SinX :< And yeah,berries isn't the matter. :D
  25. geldaz

    1x1 Event.

    Well,me and Thi@go were thinking on a 1 vs 1 event. It's not necessarily an event,whenever we're online you can PM any of us and request the duel. The Rules: -You can't use Dual Clients,EXCEPT for giving yourself FCP. If we notice any other buff that is not FCP ,you're immediatly disqualified -You can only duel us ONCE a day,no matter if it's a diffrent character. (( We got our ways to find out that. )) If there's a draw,the duel shall happen again. -If you win a match,me or thiago might request you another. If you win that another match,you'll get 10 more coupons that what you should. If you loose,you get nothing. If you win the duel to me you get 20 coupons,if you win to Thi@go. you win 40 coupons+1 weapon scroll. If you win to me AND Thi@go,you'll receive 65 coupons and the fcp weapon scroll. Our intention is to get new tactics with other players with 1on1,not ganging. Me or Thi@go will post in this topic the winners AND the loser Have fun! (: People who have dueled .Paranoia Agent. : -CombatMuffins --> Lost -LordGiovanni --> Lost -Article --> Lost -Slink, --> Lost -Lunar Titan --> Lost/WON ((ohshitpro)) -AsoBark --> Lost x2. -Ms.Fox --> Lost -Laiger's Sight --> Lost -Soul X --> Lost -ShadowzCross --> Won ((YAY)) -b i e L ~ --> Lost -Cakypa --> Lost -Eternety.* --> Lost People who have dueled Thi@go. : -Drax --> Lost -CombatMuffins --> Lost -ROFL for you --> Lost -Aster --> Lost -Hikaru --> Lost -YellowFlash --> Lost -Assa1nCr0ss --> Lost -Cool Guy --> Lost -Mayashi Shinto --> Lost -Hidden --> Lost -AsoBark --> Lost x2 -Sange Yasha --> Lost -Lunar Titan --> Lost -`Kiria --> Lost -Ms.Fox --> Lost -Glory of Love --> Lost -Diana~ --> Lost -.Sushi --> Lost x2 -Knight of Heaven --> Lost -Sci-Fi --> Lost -xKittie --> Lost -Laiger's Sight --> Lost -Nanashi --> Lost -ShadowzCross --> Lost -Cakypa --> Lost -b i e L ~ --> Lost -Eternety.* --> Lost -Zack Fair --> Lost -Heart of Sword --> Lost -Ninjaz in Pajamaz --> Lost -Ikaku --> Lost -Jelly~~~~ --> Lost -Blueberry v1.0 --> Lost People who have dueled .Paranoic Spiral.(( My LK )): -b i e l ~ --> Lost -Kira_yamato --> Lost -Crono --> Lost Presented by: .Paranoia Agent. & Thi@go . Copyright by .Paranoia Agent.
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