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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by geldaz

  1. Banned for having a signature barely able to read.
  2. Banned for beeing a legal azn. EDIT: damn you icon. Banned for posting first than me.
  3. Didn't Glistening Coats sell for 100 : 1 ? God,you guys love to overprice eh? Edps we're 500-700k and now they're 2m. We should set this right,umpf.
  4. You don't wanna see Damascus arm flexed. It's monstrous. D: His arm non-flexed is more shapped and bigger than Sangreal's one. Can't these girls flex their boobs instead? :o J/k.
  5. Because you don't pay for it? Shows how bad it is. You have to click arround to walk. Using A W S D is way cooler. And on WoW you can have diffrent looks. You can wear mostly anything,it's so damn cool. RP clothes,PvP clothes,PvE clothes,etc. It's hella damn versatile. Something Ragnark isn't.
  6. OHPENIS,IT'S OVER 9000 THOUSAND...negative. Today,or yesterday or wtf it was,I was damn bored because the PvP was EMPTY,so I decided to kill people farming stuff. I warped to for_fild01,and I appeared at the entrance and I was like ''Holy shit,there's like 10 people here...'' ,I edped and killed about everyone,exept for like 3 friends of mine. Then I went with my proff and meele raped a few SinX.
  7. that's how bad you can be? :o
  8. To be honest,graphics is the less important. Remember Starcraft 1 and Warcraft trilogy? (( 1 ,2 and 3)) ? Well,these games have not so great graphics,but there's loads of people out there playing it,and you wonder ''Why?'',oh well I'll tell you. These games may suck graphicly,but they've indeed HOT stories (( Warcraft does )) and an excellent gameplay. Lets see it this way: On WoW,you do quests,instances to level. After you reach 70,you start doing harder instances in the objective to achieve better equipments. As you've got them,you join bigger and stronger guilds which focus mainly on end-game raids.You have LOADS of fun raiding. After you've done all the raids and you're geared ((which takes MONTHS AND MONTHS )),you've got the various PvP modes. Battlegrounds (( 4 of them )),Arenas ((2v2,3v3,5v5)),each one of these giving rewards,thing you don't get in here. Also,in WoW,it's not about how you gear yourself (( Can't say build,because you don't do /dex+ 40 /stamina+ 30 in there)) ,but how you play. I've beaten people with the best PvP set ,with myself having PvE gear. Now on RO: You level,you party to do that,no fun,gets boring.After reaching level 99,you turn level 1 again. You level,and party,even more boring. After getting to 99,all you can do is either farm items/equipments or PvP. Wonder why Blizzard makes billions and Gravity doesn't make a million? There's your answer. I've played RO for long,and I play WoW,so... correct me if I'm wrong.
  9. The worst... well honestly my answer depends on who's telling me it,but lets go in the case it's a hella ugly fat girl I'd say ''Maybe in another life... not''
  10. I agree with Tyristian as hell. Either Gravity makes big changes,or they're falling appart. As Tyristian said,Blizzard is expanding at enormous speed. Diablo 3, Starcraft 2, WoW. I won't even bother calculating,just do 13 euros x 8 million people a month. And that's from WoW,when Diablo 3 and Starcraft 2 come out,more millions to Blizzard,and small companies such as Gravity will fall appart if they do nothing. You people compare this and other games with WoW,and say it sucks,but somehow Blizzard makes some of the best games out there,and they earn billions with it. Correct me if I'm wrong. I'll be here to check this RO change. Maybe I get to see real skilled players,not 1-2 skills and auto-attack people.
  11. Where's your penis you mean?
  12. Alright,no more off-topic. Me staring at the next picture. I always wanted to be a man I dun like dick though But thanks to uncle Mikam My balls keep dropping off! tribute rhyme to mister Mikam,the scary shiznit.
  13. Sorry,but I'd rather take my argue into here,since what I start I end in the same place. If you're afraid to show your errors in front of this people,I'd quit beeing a Moderator if I were you. In these pictures there was a banned member,what about it?The member doesn't belong here,but his picture is free to be posted,because obviously,it's just a picture,not an actual member.That I know,there isn't any rule saying the opost. Anyways,me and my hommie Mike at the gym,oh yeah we work out our musclez.
  14. It could even be somebody that doesn't play fRO,I couldn't care more. I posted some pictures of my friend. Although if we analyze ''Post your Pictures'' phrase,it doesn't 100% mean ''Post pictures with you in it'',It says ''Post pictures that are yours'' which means,pictures that I own,and these pictures,I surely own them,considering they reside in my Computer folders.
  15. geldaz

    E3 2008.

    Wtf is E3? >_>
  16. Oh yeah baby 22th july this annoying kid was born. Youngness ftw,just turned 15 :D
  17. When I saw this I sincerely though that was Cloud from FF7. The render is way to bright,honestly the original one looked better. Also,try filling your background more,something that isn't just..the same brushes you know.
  18. Holy hell,is that a Billabong coat on the door? I've got one just the same :D @Capri You're cutee. I'd hit that (:
  19. geldaz

    Code Geass

    I've been seeing it,waiting for the next episode :D. I love it because I love animes where the main charactes are so smart and it's mostly mind games, just like Death Note. It rules,now that ''Orange'' is with Lelouch...oh gawd,next one is cornellia.
  20. I vote for ethereal. I can't get how blueberry can be a vector,please explain me.There's what.. 1-2 brushes that can be considered vector I believe.If not,explain me /:
  21. I won't mind loggin in just for this. The chars I'm better at are Sniper,Professor and SinX ,so if you still need anything, just tell me.
  22. Lmfao. Depends,if the zombies are Resident-Evil-ish ,I'd kill them (( appart from Nemesis... )) , now if they were like on the movie ''I am Legend'' oh boy,I'd never leave home again.
  23. geldaz

    Dioblo III

    This game will be awesome. The graphics,gameplay,omfg it makes me orgasmatic. Just by looking at the game I was like '' This is so Warcraft-ish...''. There's no way this game will suck.
  24. Lol,magic classes aren't useless. MY professor can take alot of people here,or atleast survive more than 10 minutes .
  25. geldaz

    Top 3

    Slipher is godlikez and he is a non donator. All you do is default WS+SK on non-donation since people don't got a fset you'll either freeze them or break their gear and freeze after. You went into donation and died instantly. Slipher goes there and gets to beat some pros.
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