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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Seraphine

  1. Assuming the problem is now fixed.If it isn't please make another topic in the support section. [=
  2. Glad it's fixed. [=
  3. Invasion by Shiro Sagisu
  4. Bumping this. Note:This topic will not be closed until we get at least 5 votes.
  5. I just saw that now, i didn't see he was suggesting 2 different things.
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uBMO_HEO56I
  7. The effects shouldn't change.You can use both but it reduces your hp by 90% i believe to make it so it's not overpowered which we deemed it would be if that were to be left untouched.
  8. Please Pm [GM]Veracity with your question .=]
  9. New ladder week has been posted in the Hall of Fame!

  10. Hey everybody! I would just like to inform everyone that a small change will be made to the pvp ladder it is as follows: From now on unless their is "proof" or someones files a ticket of someone cheating then the PvP ladder week will be posted on the Friday it is reset and their prize can be given to them. If there is proof of it then until a decision is made it won't be posted(aka however long it takes for a decision to be made)
  11. Noted.=]
  12. Glad your problem is fixed. =]
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=636QZx7JIyQ
  14. Hopefully it gives people enough time to get more entries in.=]
  15. It was tested,it's balanced.
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0xthfAfhS40
  17. And that's why they left it in? :P @ Rune That's funny xD
  18. Fixed the title.Honestly i find this the saddest thing I've seen in a long time, they didn't even edit out my Gm sprite :/
  19. Invasion By Shiro Sagisu http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ge24wLsCuqU&playnext=1&list=PL76C10E7EAD574171
  20. Seraphine

    Hurr Durr

    Welcome to the server! =] Hope you enjoy your stay!
  21. Try uploading it to a site like imageshack.us and then copying and pasting the url here. =]
  22. Seraphine

    Frigg Shield?

    Yep. =]
  23. Nah you just have to put skill points into that skill and you should be able to use it. =]
  24. Seraphine

    Harry Potter

    I've only seen part 1 was really boring lots of dialogue like supream said. Plan to see part 2 soon though.
  25. You have to have the passive skill PushCart in order for you to be able to use one.
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