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About azn_l3oi

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Novice (1/10)



  1. Destiny is now recruiting leave ign here or pm Kojiro in game. Join us for active WOE and GVG participation
  2. 1.Guild Leader's name. Kojiro 2. Guild Name. Destiny 3. Description of your guild. We're a WOE and GVG active guild for anyone who wants join and have some fun. 4. How old is your guild. Been around for awhile (about a year) but now actively recruiting
  3. 2 garm for 2 kiel??
  4. still up for trade? IGN Jukai, Koijiro, Hyakkimaru or pm me
  5. got 2 garm cards ign Hyakkimaru or Jukai or Koijiro
  6. not sure where to post this but one of my pets disappeared. I got a harpy, was away from my desk for awhile came back and it wasn't there anymore could a gm help me with this?
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