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Forsaken Elder
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Everything posted by Decode

  1. Easy piece you just talk to the Forsaken Kafra and pick the option Coin Converter and you can turn zeny into coins and transfer those through the storage.... So disagree with the suggestion since we already have that.
  2. Welcome to Fro, if you have any question feel free to contact me or any other member of the GM team! Hope you enjoy your stay with us.
  3. Remember to vote for ForsakenRo every 24 hours, in order to vote head to the server's control panel

  4. True TPBM is a friend of mine on Facebook
  5. Oh so tired!! /yawn!

  6. True :3 TPBM is in love with someone.
  7. 142
  8. 137
  9. Should this topic be tagged as solved, or are you still looking for information on the matter?
  10. It should be fixed asap my friend thank you for the heads up. I will be closing this topic now, if you have any further questions feel free to make a new topic.
  11. Welcome to the server, hope you enjoy your stay with us. If you have any question feel free to contact any of the GM team, and if you need support with anything you may post a topic in the support section of the forums.
  12. Decode


    I was thinking, maybe make a NPC that takes the tokens from the player and one of the GMs who's head of the lotto bet event, shall have a control on the NPC and check who has put a bet and how much was it, so the GM can update it in a topic on the forums.
  13. Any update about this?
  14. I will tag this issue as solved. If you have any further question feel free to make a new topic.
  15. Any update about this?
  16. Every answer here is right... I will tag this topic as solved and close it, if you have any other question feel free to make a new topic.
  17. Decode


    I like Genesis's idea, what I was wondering is how to control that everyone actually gives or has the tokens he/she is offering through the forums?
  18. I really like them. About the question of the detect hidden enemies effect of the Clear Skies Spirit, I believe it would work like Maya Purple.
  19. Yeah Ryuk is totally right, I guess I forgot to add to my reply, "It's at your own risk". Cookiezzzz solution is a great choice I saw this video on youtube of a guy cleaning the dust of his laptop with a vacuum, but I couldn't find it today so I can't link you to it. But anyway I will try to describe it. He used a piece of paper to cover a third maybe a half part of the vacuum hose and just began vacuuming the fan through the air intake of the laptop. Maybe that could do the trick without you having to open your laptop.
  20. 67
  21. 51
  22. Normally when I laptop overheats is because dust is obstructing the way of the air going in to cool your processor, you may want to clean all the fan grills of your laptop first before you start buying anything that will possibly solve your problem partially. And I believe that you used to play those games you mentioned before and nothing happened, so if it is overheating just cleaning the grills should do the trick, sometimes as cookiezzzz said replacing the thermal paste is a good move as well.
  23. Decode


    While we get some more feedback from the community, we must discuss the prizes.
  24. 40 How would life be when I turn 40?
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