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Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by Primo

  1. The title says it all. Every color is welcome but green and white.
  2. s>orange imp 1.5k

  3. Primo

    S> Any Color Sacred

    cole sell me! lol
  4. Leave Offer or 1 imp + Qpons for Teal Sgw
  5. Primo

    Dear Diary.

    Dear Diary I am finished playing forsaken ro. /in and out
  6. There comes a time when every learn what is more important in life and i finally learned that its time for me to go. The memories that i have accumulated these 3 years are amazing. I wont forget the people that i have met and everyone who i have talked to. You guys have helped me grow as a person and i wont forget any of you. Except your Chris cause i wont trade Thanatos to your green set. All of my gears and random stuff are on 1 persons account that i trust with everything. Keep the fun coming on forsaken. Peace, Love, & Laughs Nikko and every memory's so sentimental your happiness is my essential you're so close to perfect but to the world you're just one person but to that person, you mean the world Courage is not when you cannot complete the task, it is when you know everything is against you yet you still push thruogh and keep fighting.
  7. Primo

    Post Your Character!

  8. orange,purple,green 1k any color of those.
  9. Already have scrolls out like these. Just hard to find. But over all its pretty good idea for the lvling monster since new players tend to have a hard time
  10. Primo

    New Sinx Weapon

    Learn to Enchat shit onto that Use verters And helll no take that stone curse shit off. Thats 1 way to fight back agasint an sb sinx is to stone curse.
  11. Primo

    New Sinx Weapon

    You have to remember the Valk weps where put to give a little bit of Difference in the game players play classes differently. Like crit sinx no one has used that legit for a long time. so a grimtooth sinx with out thana would be a different class to play. And stonecurse is something that a sinx has to give up if you want to spam or go fsold + 3kiels And element is a no. Just use converters.
  12. as i recall when they where picking a new euro woe time they gave a list that was good for american players/euro/asian the times where fine with everyone and the majority voted for this time. and i know tons of filipino players who play euro and who play american
  13. dissagree. Yeah the times are kinda unfair but overall no matter what time or woe you make 1 other side of the world is goig to have a problem.
  14. 2 for 1k
  15. Primo


    When you look at an imp in your inventory it looks exactly like a colored fhelm wondering if you can change the look of it in inventory Like what they did with Gvh it would be easier to tell that its an imp or an fhelm besides the name thus i bought an imp and i looked at it for like 5 min wondering if it was legit since it looked like the normal colored helm if needed i can color the Gvh inventory sprite to the imp colors
  16. Primo


    just saying peopel chose to make teams and not help each other its based on the person themselves if they want to help or get help. But overall yeah hiding sinx is kinda annoying but its a way to win
  17. Primo

    New Sinx Weapon

    exactly if you cant do the move properly then chances are ur gonna die. I do admit you can die fast so a little reduction wont hurt maybe 10% since people never complained about it before only after the weps came out did people say hey i want this 1handed
  18. Primo

    New Sinx Weapon

    then explain to me why u deserve this upgrade? Cause all i see is "Sniper Bow This Stalker Bow That" If you think the sinx class need this increase then explain why. Explain Why doing 15k Sb + However manytimes it hits Is underpowered Cause the way i see it is When you can spam 4-5 And you take out 260k Hp Its not close to being under used. Stone curse + No reducts is the flaw Just Like its a flaw with other classes. Enlighten me on why this is so needed to fix the sinx class. Cause how i see it The new Daggers give Some spice to the class. Some of the updates where used to play classes different ways Not to just Op the shit outta a Class. So ill agree to this Post when i see full reasons on why this class needs this weapon so badly. I play sinx and hell i hate this post. So explain why you need this,
  19. Primo

    New Sinx Weapon

    Nines congrats You bassicaly fucked up his post. :] but srsly remember KATAR is not the MAIN WEP of a sinx The dagger is Just like The Clown BOW is not the main the GUITAR is Sinx Has its Flaws just like every other class. And Sb flaw is Low reduct stone curse. its YOUR CHOICE you base your setup based on what you think u need. Every class has its flaws u have to deal with it sure a little reducts wont hurt but asking for a shield which means 55%? hell no. And it seems like the people agree to op weps are the ones who play a certain class and qq about having a harder time winning. AND HI MIRACLE i see u reading this
  20. Primo

    New Sinx Weapon

    but not 1 handed maybe even 10% cause every skill has its flaws
  21. Primo

    New Sinx Weapon

    agreed 15% is nice
  22. Primo

    New Sinx Weapon

    bows where changed to 1 handed because the bows wherent even that good. Be fore the patch the only good sniper player was like Kuoch and even then hardly anyone played sniper For stalker the reduct is a tittle intense but its getting fixed. Why make the mistake of adding reduction a second time? Maybe a little but if it has a little reduction then keep it 1 handed
  23. Primo

    New Sinx Weapon

    the thing is it being one handed isnt because we dont the sinx to be more powerful yeah stalker bow was changed to 1 handed because it needed it to be 1 handed But Sb does not need to be 1 handed. Who uses katar for damage and not sb? Sb does super damage and it being 1 handed would throw things off. ever skill has its flaws sb is u cant wear a shield you give up the power to defend yourself for the power to Kill if you can spam it good. Just like Lk Frenzy u give up the chance to ygg in order to deal higher damage. So u can give the Katar stat + but not 1 handed
  24. Primo

    S>white Raw

    leave offer and ign
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