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Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by Primo

  1. Primo

    Branch Arena

    that sucks to hear. thats why when i mvp a expensive monster i use Frapps just incase anyone shows up.
  2. Primo

    Branch Arena

    k i understand where you are coming from getting KS isnt cool and if the card drops even gayer. but id have to say this isnt super important. there are thousands of maps that no one use. Just ask a guildie for a map and usually they will give you one.
  3. yeah manz i got lots of primos

  4. its kinda hard to say which cards exactly do better but i get lucky with 4-7 breakers a woe and this is what i use. Fdagger ( Thana + Orc Skell + Orc Skell + Desert Wolf ) ( or a slotted ip or ip will work ) then on left hand orc skell + orc skell + desert wolf + desert wolf
  5. this is N i k k o i tested Tg's during todays woe and i think they do damage about the same. but when i took off the tgs i seemed to break more. but overall i think tg's might work.
  6. Primo

    Woe 2.0

    wouldnt have low hp be bad? like 120 mil seems big but think about it all skills can damage the stone or barricade thing so it may only take a few asuras and some magic spam to break it.
  7. Primo

    Drop Suggestion

    castle red
  8. Primo

    Drop Suggestion

    Alright so i see that red box drop 12 ygg tix 12 seed tix 12 edp tix i think its 12 tix could it maybe add Fcp tix to the add?Even if its 1 or 2 it would help.
  9. For Thana or Offer Leave Offer and Ign
  10. id guess tg is for defending but pure damage on emp i dont think tg would work
  11. Primo


    Hi im new to the server.
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