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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by AsBloodRunsBlack

  1. too lazy lol just give your IGN or pm me
  2. Buying: - Thors Hammer - DeviBalloon - Angel Mask - J.Rage - WS Cape / Clown Cape / Bio Cape / Pally Cape - Pally Halberd - Asgard Essence x2 - Vit Runes x2 - Thana Card -Dex Belts -Valis Destroyer NAME YOUR PRICE :) Leave IGN if needed
  3. gtb 5 ?
  4. seeds bulk 6k:1k as many as u can
  5. idk and i got alot of it :D
  6. 100:3 for stats offer me on devi balloon and freyr
  7. T> LK cape = Sinx Cape ?
  8. 25 we deal :3
  9. how mch leg. champ knux ?
  10. 100:3 for stats ?
  11. offer sinx cape ?
  12. offer sincrit + sincape = ?
  13. offer x2 TG ? offer fparts
  14. S> Lokis Seal 900 each
  15. why i cant connect ? "Failed to connect to server"

  16. hahah get me one too ! :DDD
  17. how mch leg sincrit ?
  18. AsBloodRunsBlack


    900 pm me bro
  19. still buying sincrit ?
  20. AsBloodRunsBlack


    900 ?
  21. 4 silver kiels doesn't stack ^^
  22. Dorcus = 900 ?
  23. how mch lokis ?
  24. 1,8k x2 lokis IGN : Death Before I Stray
  25. offer Lk Halb ?
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