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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Victoria

  1. Halo and Welcome to the Server! If you need help, check out this Guide, Click Here You'll have lots of friends in the forums, join in the fun at the Off Topics Thread! I hope you have a good time and I wish you luck!
  2. TG = Turtle General.. It deals 20% more damage on all enemies and is compounded on your weapon.
  3. Glad to hear you discovering another way for that. I learned something new, and I thank you for that
  4. I downloaded "Easy Scroller" when my mouse scroller was broken. Try to search and download that on google.
  5. Yes it is
  6. The people there prefer to use their main, but their other chars are actually in my guild. I am currently in izlude, I can invite you if you go there now.
  7. You can check the Legendary Quest Guides in here. Now, the wiki also has guides in it, though sometimes people can't see the images. Click Here to go to the Wiki You can also check here, for miscellaneous guides.
  8. I am not aware of another way to zoom in/zoom out, but I did made research and found out that there's a downloadable app in google that enables you to use scroll by clicking PgUp and PgDn. Maybe try to download that or search for another alternative way in google.
  9. Yes we still are! You can ask people in izlude if someone is an inviter there because I will be inactive ingame soon :)
  10. You can use the Playroom, however, I am going to deduct 10 points for resourcefulness.
  11. Right click Setup.exe -> Troubleshoot Compatibility, after that -> Open Setup.exe -> You can now change your resolution.
  12. Weekly Forum Event Instructions: You should dress your character up, depending on your personal fashion style. Play with the colors and headgears, make sure that your output wouldn't be too much. Take a screenshot of your character that is zoomed in/cropped, then post it here together with an amazing fashion caption. Have fun! Mechanics: The character and gears should be in ForsakenRO only. Put your ingame name at the end of your screenshot caption. Click Alt + End to make your HP Bar temporarily disappear so we can clearly see your character. You can submit up to 3 entries but it should have different chars in it (Only 1 will be included if all 3 entries have the same character) Looking for a good map to show your fashion style is included in the criteria. You must not show the whole place, only your character with a background. Any headgear is allowed to be used (Vote, Quest, Event, and Donations). I'll be judging your way of creating a unique style, not how expensive your character looks. Criteria: Originality: 20% Background: 10% Over-all style: 20% Resourcefulness: 10% Creativity and Neatness: 20% Design and way of using colors: 20% Prizes: 1st place: 20 Event Tokens 2nd place: 12 Event Tokens 3rd place: 7 Event Tokens Start date: 8/22/15 (20:25:00 servertime) End date: 8/29/15 (00:00:00 servertime) Here's my fashion style I call it, "The 4 Faces of Victoria" Good luck to all the Participants! You can now submit your entries!
  13. 1st place: Miku-Miku (Vocaloid 01) *has redeemed her prize Score: 85 Comments: 2nd place: PotassiumPlus (Baby Mafen) *has redeemed her prize Score: 79 Comments: 3rd place: Typical Gamer (Typical Breaker) *has redeemed his prize Score: 75 Comments:
  14. You can make a very short story about your first experience, an event or such. As long as it'll be entertaining for us to read, then there's a possibility for it to win :th_ok:
  15. Halo and Welcome to our Server! If you need help, check out this Newbie Guide. Click Here Good luck on your adventure!
  16. Armstrong, Genesis and I are currently working on the Casino that we planned months ago. You should be expecting one very soon! :th_ok:
  17. Is your internet connection stable? Try to restart your router and tell us if it works or not. and also, are you using Windows? Perhaps your Windows Firewall is blocking the access of the game, check the Help Desk for similar problems that has been solved, if there is none, please file a ticket at the Ticket Center so our superiors can clearly explain on how to solve your problem. Click Here to go to the Ticket Center
  18. We usually have new Valk Expansions every update, but these headgears look nice. There's already a Pirate Dagger, Sheep Hat, Robo Eye and Puppy Hat. You can look if there's already an existing headgear here We can somehow revive the headgear if it was implemented a long time ago though These look great, but I hope the sprite files itself can be found for them to be implemented.
  19. You are not actually being specific by lower headgear quest, we have tons of lower headgear ingame. Balloons, Rucksacks, Wings, Mouthpieces and such are lower headgears. The mouthpieces and their effects can be found in the wiki and the quest is located in random places (There's 1 in for_fild01, that's why I said to explore) Some of the lower headgear quests is present in this Guide, Click Here
  20. You can check the Wiki for that, Click Here I suggest to try to explore and discover things in ForsakenRO, there are many quests present there, try to check the Knight Temple or Quest Room etc.
  21. There is a Guide, Click Here The images are not showing on some people, so be patient, the problem will be solved soon.
  22. The Wiki has the Guide for the Cursed/Blessed Ring And you can see the L.Lhz Aura quest in this link: http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/topic/31648-legendary-quests/ As for the Orc Hero Aura, I am not sure if it even exists, maybe you have mistaken it for another aura perhaps?
  23. The BGMs of ForsakenRO is client side, however, it is possible to include BGMs from different sources (anime, movies etc.). But, in order to do so, the BGM will need to be put on the next update so everyone won't be having Gravity Errors. You'll have to understand that the reason we maintain the fcity's BGM is because it is somehow Ragnarok-themed and atleast most people know that the music is for ForsakenRO only. If you suggest anime background musics (Naruto, One Piece etc.), not all would appreciate it because not everyone watches those animes and loves them. However, it could somehow be made that an NPC will be playing a BGM Request from a player for a fee (Client-side BGMs ONLY), but it could be tricky and will need some work with only few benefits.
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