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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by Hannah

  1. Hannah

    I Gone O:

    I have to go bye bye cause of personal reasons and fRO is also distracting me, I can't concentrate on shiz. I had fun! I met lots of amazing, awesome people - who should stay awesome - and fRO should too, keep up the good work GMs and others, lol. Closest friends I've made on here: Mike, Ami, and Deltone! :happy: Love ya guyz. <3333 Might come back one day, but who knows? I prob will, though. I'll visit too (I think). Thanks for everything and have fun without me! :laugh: I (am trying to) quit, but I'm staying on forums and will keep voting. :P Love, me. <3 - Oh, and P.S. Royal Mafia = <3. :tongue:
  2. can you make a new msn? LOL

  3. del, where are you? i really want to talk to you cause i am FUCKING PISSED AS FUCK LIKE WHAT THE FUUUUUUUUCK?!!!!! AND WE ALSO NEED TO TALK SO GET YOUR ASS ON FRO OKK -.-

  4. yeah, i'm bored and pissed as fk and what's del's comment mean? o.o

  5. Hi to all of the newbies. :)

  6. Hannah


    Omg, that's soo cute, and I'd love to see the dog and the pig. >:D
  7. Hannah


    I agree on this, but there's already that new MvP soldier set you could get by trading the Wanderer's Set plus items needed for the quest to either PvP or MvP soldier set, though some newbies might not know about any of this at all. So yeah, the HP of MvPs could be lower than what it is now or the MvP soldier set could be made better. :)
  8. Yay, I don't have to nearly die anymore, the heating is working :)

    1. Perishable


      Yay~ Lets make out ;3

  9. Hannah

    Hello All O_O

    Hey and welcome. :3
  10. lol it's okay cause when I dc'ed on msn and signed in, the request came up again and so I accepted it :)

  11. Hannah

    Black Ops!

    Hmm... How did I know someone was going to make a topic about this? :]
  12. lol btw erwin, add me again on msn cause I accidentally closed your request cause I thought it was something else o_O lol and I can't add u back cause I forgot ur msn :)

  13. yeah that's what I do /swt alarms every 5 min :)

  14. omg me too, I actually can't wake up in the morning O_O srsly, I set my alarm at like 7.00 but I keep snoozing every 5 min til 7.50 lol :/ and I still can't wake up -.- my school's ok but kinda boring lol

  15. Hannah

    Immmm Backkkkk

    Welcome back. :3
  16. Hannah

    you suddenly went off >_> pff

  17. Hannah

    go on fro >:]

  18. hmm I'm ok I think.. school tomorrow -.- you? :P

  19. Hannah


    Lol, happy day for you. :D That's what I feel like when I sell something I've been trying to sell for like weeks. :P
  20. The truth hurts, but a lie's worse..

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hannah


      It's from a song, lol. But it's true though.

    3. Justice
    4. Rayray


      "how can i give anymore, when I love you a little less than before" I agree, happened to me lol

  21. Awwww... Goodbye... :ohmy:
  22. Hannah


    Welcome back. :3
  23. Yay, Friday! :D

    1. Miracle


      It's the same as any other day.

    2. Hannah


      >.>... For you, maybe? But it's the weekend! Yay! :D

    3. kax


      Yay! Im off for bed this weekend =)

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