Killing an MvP for Dummies
This is a simple guide to show newcomers how to kill an MVP on fRO since their HP has been major buffed to try and encourage teamwork. However, since you're new, you don't have many/any friends yet, right? Well read on to learn how to solo an MVP and gear yourself up!
Also, do not try this as a way of making money. It's simply to get some cards for your gears instead of spending your hard earned tokens. Save them for an fset or something big.
Chapter 1 - The Basic Idea
Chapter 2 - Links and Resources
Chapter 3 - Gears and Builds
Chapter 1 - The Basic Idea
Before you start to wonder which gears you need to use and how to solo these beasts, I'll fill you in on the simple secret.
You'll need to make several accounts, as well as having your main account that you actually want to gear up. I suggest 3 accounts total for basic computers that cannot handle much, 5-6 if your computer can handle more is perfect. What you do is use your account that is already level 255 to party with these other accounts, warp to for_fild06, and level each of these "robot" characters to 255 as well. Make sure share exp is on for the party share (alt + z, then party setup).
Personally, I suggest you make all of the "robot", or excess, characters the Sniper class. You'll see why later on, while your main does not have to be one as well it's a good idea.
/* Edit 1/8/11 You can also use a star gladiator or two, use hatred on the MVP, and use the correct Mild Wind for the element against the mvp. Credit to HealHard, very nice idea */
Once they are all leveled up, you'll take them to the map of the MVP of your choice and attack it at the same time. Then warp in your main and start doing the real damage. Reminder: Have them all in the same party, and have @autoloot 10 on. Also, there will be one character taking damage, so have yggs hotkey'd on that character ?
Doesn't sound like it will help? I timed how long it took me to solo a GTB on my Stalker using Lightning Spear of Ice, it took me 1 hour 20 minutes. After setting up two dummy snipers to aide in the fight it dropped to less than 20 minutes
Read on to learn how to maximize damage.
Chapter 2 - Links and Resources
(Credit to gunxsword11) Newbie Guide fRO - LINK
Chapter 3 - Gears and Builds
The build for your main is completely up to you, however with the snipers should have: Dex - 300 Agi - Just enough for 195 ASPD Vit - Everything else
Again, before you try to do this try to at least get some decent gears on your main. The dummies are no matter, the only thing you should buy is a composite bow[4] in the Item Mall. Then attach 4 Abysmal Knight Cards onto each one. You can find Abysmal Knights in @warp gefenia02. Then just use the basic Forsaken gears given in the beginning.
Some links to get quick armor and better gears are in chapter 2. I suggest the last guide on the list, it's worth the 10 minutes it takes to do the quest.
Original guide by Glazer.