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Forsaken Elder
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Everything posted by Flair

  1. Unnecessary posts removed. Please keep the forums clean, thank you.
  2. Flair

    Got Facebook ?!

    Don't forget to like our page if you haven't yet. :]
  3. I like Sintel, an indie short. Not really a movie, but it is close.
  4. Vote, vote, vote! Keep it going! Let's get back to the top for another game system! It's just a small thing, but we'd really appreciate it big time!
  5. It was short, but you did well and was one of the best. Best of luck in whatever you do!



  6. Flair

    Forsakenro Emails

    I've just added: Enlightment
  7. Justice justice justice

  8. Anything at all?

  9. Flair

    Missed ya too!

  10. Flair

    Welcome back. :3

  11. Flair

    How have you been, Rune?

  12. Please avoid double posting. If you forget to say something from your previous post, just edit it. Thank you. Also, the link you gave is this same thread.
  13. Flair


    You might be bored, but please don't just spam the forums. If you're going to post, at least post something related to the topic. Thank you.
  14. Flair

    Ladder Cheaters

    Suspicious Activity in PvP rooms. Time:6am EST Date: February 18, 2010 Who: <Kaenus> In suspicion of attempt to cheat in the PvP ladder, by killing an ungeared champ named Lina-L3e and a slinger named Halia-Kun. He's nowhere close to winning, but I don't think we should let it pass.
  15. I need to eff, that's my problem. Can you help me?

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