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Ultimate Weapon

Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by Ultimate Weapon

  1. I think woe should keep a record of who kill who during woe, example someone can kill the enemies 100 times each woe and been in the guild for 6 months, while the other member been in the same guild for 9 months and kill enemies 30 times per woe.. but the one been that kill less been in the guild longer and get drops first. It is unfair for the one that work hard. This suggestion is for the guild that is trying to defend and for the leader trying to see who work hard to support their own guild.. Predicament and Legend is the 2 big for now, I'm sure they would like to give drops to the one that is loyal.. This is also for the small guild too.
  2. Let's talk about anime girls, enough with who is going to kick who, Soi Fon, Yoruichi, Halibel, Orihime from Bleach is very sexy, but the number 1 best looking girl is Tifa Lockhart from FF 7 and Lightning from FF 13, no more drama over who's power will own all.
  3. Ultimate Weapon


    Make a Lottery Event twice once per week:Everyone pay 3 dq to play and and roll a dice higher than a GM. The winner will get the dq from the gm, but the server take 25% out of it.Example: 20 people multiply by 3 = 60 dq and the winner take 75% of the dq. Cool event? Vote yes or no for this thnx
  4. It is not sprite edit, they play with themself alot to have talent. I won't do what they do everynight to have talent. I'm a gentlemen
  5. Why didn't you tell me this before? After 200 vote point or around there, I never type the caption. sigh from now on I will go to everyone of my friend house and make an account and vote to make up all those caption I didn't type. btw I am so dumb to delete a char with 7 of my vote items. Is there anyway I can get it back?
  6. Oh yeah it is called Rasen and are you sure Naruto pull in 5 of the tails? I saw 9..anyway did you remeber the part where Itachi Uchiha gave some of his power to naruto? Wonder what that power can be.. hope Naruto can use sharigan too
  7. Spirit Bomb does solve the problems, but it take times and time is what Goku don't have when facing Bankai after Kurosaki Ichigo conquer his hollow completely or Sage Mode after Naruto conquer the 9 Tail power and using Fuuton Rasengan Shuriken, but the topic is only about Bankai or Sage Mode power, since Dragon Ball Z got drag in, I say Broly is the best and most powerful anime ever made and no other anime can come close, lol who still watch DBZ anyway? I do
  8. Donate for new weapons and sell high price in game and make good profit, please don't sell it for 500dq or cheaper. It should be 1.5k dq each for those new weapon. If you guys donate for new weapon and sell for only for cheap, sigh too many people will have those weapon in game and no one is even going to donate for it to sell it any more, because once too many people have new weapons in game, no one is going to donate for it any more. Reason 1, I want to donate for 30 usd and make alot of profit in game. Reason 2, this donation will keep going longer than expected = I can still make good profit.
  9. Oh wow I think about all of what you said, for the first time in my life I actually agree with you, but hey looking like frog is col too
  10. Ichigo Kurosaki Bankai or Naruto Uzamaki Sage Mode, which power would own? and please don't talk about 1 piece because that anime is gay.
  11. please no
  12. aww I didn't cry a river or cry at all and criticizing, but yeah you're right. Alot of people do alot of talking and doesn't help the server fund at all.
  13. Oh wow, you are so right. you must be beautiful, are you single?lol but I do agree with you though
  14. Make Kurosaki Ichigo Bankai Outfit 5 usd donation, GI Joe Outfit 5 usd donation, Superman, Batman, street fighter outfit or mortal combat, I'll donate for all of it, Just for the look.no attribute added..nothing special.hehe
  15. Raise the emperium to 1 mil, it doesn't bother me. It is a challenge to me and I love it /meh
  16. Free Items Thanatos Card Sacred Green Wings Forsaken Sets Belts Elite Weapon Royal Angel Wings 2600 Donation Coupons Hosting Events for this items on 7-25-2010 10:00 Server Time, Reason for leaving:I need a server that need me
  17. I am just exaggerating about 10k, it is not like I post 10k for yellow emp and they will actually sell it for 10k...around blue emp price is good enough.
  18. Nevermind. But how about re-placing our current castle with those unrelease emperium auroras with the current emperiums that drops from our castle? change the emp instead of removing the castle
  19. Ultimate Weapon

    New Job

    Sacred Slayer class that can recieve less damage from Magic, so forget about gtb. Muahahaha
  20. So rich, I still drive a 96 Honda Accord...because I ama saving my money for a nsx
  21. That Karate Kid is Will Smith & Jada Pink Smith son, he's talented
  22. What if someone have the size+the motion of the ocean? Btw what does it mean, I am under age... Can you explain it to me step by step /gg
  23. Leave your name. Love me:Jessica Alba Hate me:Kobe Bryant
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