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Ultimate Weapon

Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by Ultimate Weapon

  1. Now that u tell me you can only woe on saturday..I won't kick you...pm me or broadcast for me
  2. Oh wow I didn't see..I'm an idiot
  3. God Of War is recruiting all noob who want to become strong and seek out what potential they have.I am guiding anyone that are clue less.But I will not offer any gears or items..Only knowledge..Bc for me for invite and I will guide all of those who are determine to become strong.Must work hard for f set and be active. Noob always leaving the server asap when they have no meaning to play and don't have a goal to achieve.but I can give noob assigment and once they have things they want to achieve.I'm sure you noobs will stay and enjoy the server.
  4. Once they announce breaker name,,maybe I give emp as payment
  5. RGM>Woe Active 255 All ungear members that attend woe can be in the forsaken king set list and after that is ruc drop list all complete forsaken king set+ruc can be in the emp list..Work hard and be woe active to stay in the list Salary to those who come for party before woe
  6. American woe active 255 if you are not gear but are active for woe feel welcome to join..
  7. Ultimate Weapon


    come on guys vote every 12 hour so fro be top 1 and more people will join us..All the player is taken..I need to recruit people to woe with me
  8. S>Thana:13k Skeleton ruck Sack
  9. We are recruiting for american woe only..Good Salary, castle drops are given in time, depend on woe attendance and if you're worthy to get castle drops..Proof to me that you worthy, 35+members atm and we're working on the quantity and quality and also we're ally with Destiny Guild.We are an organize guild that set up plans on our defense and teach each members to do their job on woe.Anyone help us grow are welcome to join.
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