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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Amicable

  1. 749
  2. "Curiousity killed the cat"
  3. 747
  4. TRUE.! TPBM likes to bake cookies~
  5. Amicable

    The Story Game

    was actually her brother
  6. 732
  7. False......as of right now, Im so lazy. TPBM watched the recent episode of Sword Art Online.
  8. Amicable

    The Story Game

    an apple laying on
  9. "Call Me Maybe(Parody)" "Never Gonna Leave You" - US Parody
  10. "A <3 is a symbol of Love"
  11. 730! Cant wait till we hit the 1,000s~
  12. TRUE.! TPBM likes math :D. @Celestial that girl looks like from teen wolf, Crystal Reed (your pic)
  13. False....I want to but its so late....maybe tomorrow :D! TPBM cant wait for episode 9 of Sword Art Online 8)
  14. 723
  15. True.Sometimes :D TPBM hates snakes :o
  16. 718
  17. True. I have :D! TPBM watches Naruto Shippuden
  18. "An actress is not a machine, but they treat you like a machine. A money machine." Marilyn Monroe
  19. 688
  20. OMFG, YOU WATCHING IT TOO! I totally love it! TRUE TPBM watches Kuroko No Baske :) the drawing is just so lovely <3
  21. 679
  22. Been awhile~ "Stupid is as stupid does." -Forrest Gump
  23. True. Sometimes, its really nice when its barely morning :D TPBM likes the colour purple. ;D
  24. 671
  25. 665
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