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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Amicable

  1. 417
  2. 1231
  3. I love it! +1 I want to get this card D:<! Making me want to go on my Paladin. :)
  4. ^ Well, that would be a good suggestion, but lets just stick with the one we have right now. :) I mean your suggestion rocks, but I mean, adding effects on 'elite bottles' sounds a bit odd.
  5. "Don't worry, about a thing, because every little thing, is gonna be alright" :) Just gotta try farming for better gears, and then guild people will notice you. After you get those down, try Broadcasting: Looking for Guild, I have [insert good pvp items]
  6. False. :( Biochemist for me, lol. TPBM has watched Grease before.
  7. 413
  8. True. TPBM is addicted to posting on this Thread :)
  9. This is so late, BUT WELCOME~ :D Sadly, you can't see me ingame, since my computer is broken and I haven't gotten it fix yet. x_x Anyways, nice to meet you, names Jay :) (Usually active on the forums, so you can ask me questions!)
  10. *nom nom nom* Yes! :) Very True. TPBM likes fruits. :)
  11. [media=]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3RvAbKjH9gU[/media] Glee- The Scientist Cover
  12. 1229
  13. 407 408 409 Me:410
  14. False. TPBM doesn't have school this week.
  15. True. TPBM likes to eat cake.
  16. 1226
  17. 405
  18. 400 :)
  19. 1221
  20. True! TPBM watched Episode 14 of "Sword Art Online"
  21. 398
  22. 1219
  23. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cqyH4DBEshg Stronger - Diamond White vs. Dinah Jane Hansen (Xfactor)
  24. True. D: TPBM is a fan of Artina ;)
  25. 1216
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