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Everything posted by limitless

  1. Lets play
  2. Yeeee you got this First try Kimi

  3. Make a stalker and get speed pots Noones gonna attack you in WoE anyway LOL
  4. I've also lost my t-bagging abilities
  5. I see
  6. Ever since the server moved locations, i've noticed a significant change in delays. Every action that was once spam-able has become slow with heavy and consistent delays. I've discussed this with numerous people, and they are also experiencing this problem (One of my friends can no longer release lightning quick spurts of Bowling bashes/Spirals /awsm ) Is there a solution for this, or were delays intentionally changed?
  7. limitless

    WoE Ideas.

    I haven't let a single one of those people in. Sard and Bumpie were friends i had from the start.
  8. limitless

    WoE Ideas.

    Yep, as stated, WoE would funner if more guilds WoE'd seriously. To do this, all you have to do is make WoE drops necessary. People can live without a few stats or a little faster walk speed. They can sit out WoE and survive just as well in PvP; but if you make the items dropped a necessity, like day auras and night auras are now, they will have no other choice but to get them. With the desire created from that, naturally more people will WoE, to the point where it is no longer dominated by a single guild. Over time, there will be an abundance of these items in a variety of guilds, and they will also be available to the market, at expensive prices. This server has lacked something exclusive quite some time. It's not a rare sight to see someone with full donations and day/night auras. People get full donations, but it's still the same as everyone else. Eventually, they get bored and leave the server. Creating greater necessities will open possibilities in PvP, while widening the range of items available and allowing select players to reach higher plateaus.
  9. limitless

    WoE Ideas.

    I don't see the connection between having more castles open and expansion of guilds. People are still too accustomed to the way WoE used to be, where they could one man an emperium with a survival sinx. Now they're complaining because that doesn't work anymore, and most are unwilling to try other things. Regardless, those who complain will be passed by the people who are willing to overcome that obstacle through other means. There are already signs of these guilds being formed, it just takes a little time.
  10. limitless

    WoE Ideas.

    He's right, our defense is terrible. Anyways, when there's a need, people will evolve to succeed it. Making WoE drops a necessity is one way to trigger it.
  11. limitless

    WoE Ideas.

    Luck? Pros? Veterans? There's a huge difference between the amount of effort we put into WoE and the other guilds. This guild was created 7 weeks before anyone ever saw us appear in WoE. Before that, WoE was a joke. Influence would take it, then Good Soup would retake it, repeat, until Seek and Destroy comes in at 50 seconds remaining. In those seven weeks, we did nothing but recruit, gear our members and find active people suitable for the guild. I don't bother recruiting or interviewing "pros" or "veterans", they tend to be guild hoppers. If you see any in the guild, they were friends that i could trust. Most of our reliable players in the guild right now weren't even 255 when they were recruited, and had no donation items. We prepared thousands of donation coupons before the guild was even created. We went over roles thoroughly, until every single member knew what to do on May 3rd, our first WoE. If they needed items, we would help them. Since then, we've held the castle increasingly steadily. All i've seen from the invading guilds is one or two sinx's leading, with 95% of the rest being meat shields. The guild leaders haven't bothered to gear them with anything, not even skolls. They use their guild mates as a shield and abandon them for a shot at the emperium. You're better off one manning like Drax2 does. You're not going to win a serious WoE without proper organization and coordination, something the spontaneous and blind rushes never had. Teamwork doesn't happen overnight. Another guild will appear in the WoE scene soon to contest the castle, when they do, things will be different; there will be no room for solo'ers.
  12. limitless

    WoE Ideas.

    People don't WoE seriously, regardless of how many castles there are. If they did, then the castle wouldn't be dominated by a single guild There hasn't been motivation for guilds to WoE, but that'll change now that Gen's adding new items for WoE (Flappings were never a necessity).
  13. WoE more
  14. Sensation's equation works Although it goes over 100% when deaths > kills, at that point they wouldn't be getting the wings anyway.
  15. Current: kills - deaths * 0.01 > 60.0 kills - deaths would have to be higher than 6000 in order to get get a product > 60.0 1000 kills, 100 deaths: 1000 - 100 = 900 * 0.01 = 9% So it's not really calculating ratios.
  16. Brian, the sig won't be a requirement, it's just another option available to members. Phantom Assassin was almost there: Size was fine, but it should be a little longer from left to right More color variation Text is just "Limitless" I'll ask them what they think of the user-bar
  17. Me too, Seems a little too blue with the emblem, i'd like to see that with more color variation/addition.
  18. I'm looking for something a little more colorful But you're in the right direction
  19. .
  20. So what you're saying is our kills have to be at least 6000 greater than our deaths to get the wings?
  21. Lol I tried, it wasn't pretty So i'm requesting a sig for the guild (Limitless) that members can use for the forums. Description: Anything abstract, similar to the guild emblem (My Avatar), or you can create something totally different (Lighter colors are nice). Text: Limitless Preferably a sig that goes from one side of the allowed sig space to the other. Everything else is entirely up to you. No guarantee that we'll use the sig you make, but the creator of the one that we choose to use will be rewarded generously (If one is chosen ) When you're ready to show me your finished work, contact me via forum pms
  22. You must be bored

  23. Lol. Don't complain about me improving.. If anyone's been improving, it's you.

  24. If the guild master is absent, will the guild still be allowed to warp in?
  25. Rofl
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