My friend wants to laddering but he is a sinx sb type. He only has Kitty claw he doenst have any dex valk dagger or crit is that alright for him to laddering alone? he says to me that he would use link to make his dmg stronger.
It's a nice idea but wizard not suppose to be melee :P it's rather funny to see melee wizard:P disagree
It's a nice idea but wizard not suppose to be melee :P it's rather funny to see melee wizard:P disagree
I agree totally agree.. i got the clown sb and really enjoy it before the bow been nerfed:P. Tired on ordinary guitar:P it would be nice to see new weps for clowns and gypsies:P Agree 100%
Hmm guys this would be good hmm.. Hey it would be great if we can ladder outside caslte like the old time? outside the castle only not inside . i know if inside aoe skill user will get point easy:P So is it okay if we can get point outside castle like old time?
Hello guys:P i am wonder , is it possible if gm put scarf npc colour change? Like the valk helm change npc? It would be nice to have the npc on the server. oh yeah, it would be lovely if you add more colour though:P