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Forsaken Elder
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Everything posted by emir

  1. emir

    Buying Stuff

    Got stalker sb
  2. Sniper Sb sold ^_^
  3. emir

    Hmm, Vote Raw ^_^

    Hey, I know i already ask this but i want to see people opinion :P. So the thing is do you guys want the vote raw to have more colour then white? it would be lovely right ^_^ (especially blue :wub: ) hehe!
  4. emir

    Buying Stuff

  5. T>My Sniper Sb+?=Stalk Sb
  6. Thanks, but the put colour should be on the suggestion side:P but thanks anyways:P
  7. Hope they'll be another colour on the next update:P
  8. Put blue colour would be nice:P Well, if the vote wings is 13% then why the npc says it is 6% reflect>?
  9. Well the forum says it is 13% reflect but the vote npc says it is 6% !!? well it is bugged right?Btw why is it only one colour?:P it would be lovely if there are more then one colour:P
  10. emir


    Ic how much stalker oriental dagger and ghost mask/helm of darkness atm actually?
  11. Got all of it:P
  12. emir


    Is stalker with magic class good? (with oriental dagger) ? ive been wondering is good to use with? How much helm of darkness and mask of angel ghost btw?

  14. emir

    Tom Hanks?

    My my thank you for the suggestion guys:P Ive been download most of it:P Cant wait till weekend:P :tongue:
  15. Hye hye:P Welcome to the Fro:P
  16. Gm , Can you put slot on Clown Elite Guitar? (The guitar is 4Slot . But it doesnt show ) It's kinda confusing seriously:P. Newcomer and also old player keep asking "is there any slot on clown elite guitar?" It would help me and other people alot if you put the slot there gm:P Hope this suggestion accept. It wont affect the balance right? Tq~! :biggrin:
  17. emir

    Tom Hanks?

    I would prefer to see him acting instead of listening to voice btw watched it already:P
  18. Forum look cutie and bluerie:P

    1. Aerynth


      yea definitely, haha

  19. emir

    Tom Hanks?

    Oh watched catch me if you :P I hope it is comedy becuz he is so good at it:P thank you meka
  20. emir

    Tom Hanks?

    What is the movie that Tom hanks lead as main character beside forrest gump,The terminal, Saving private ryan and cast away? any other movie that you guys recommend me to watch?
  21. T>SniperSB TO Stalker Sb/Stalker Oriental/Prof highness ^_^
  22. SpdtiX Sold out
  23. Clown Sb sold out.
  24. Clown Guitar sold.
  25. Omg it's going to be gone? if we go back to the npc do we need to do the quest again?
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