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Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by Appie

  1. I'm probably the "strange artist" you're talking about, though. ;3
  2. Strange artist? >.>
  3. Yea, and my real name, April. (: And you're welcome!
  4. Well, I don't have A LOT of ideas on that yet! :P But, I was thinking something along the lines of gaining a duration buff each time a mission point is gained. So, similar to when a TK levels up; the TK gets buffed and it might last 10 minutes or an hour.. depends on what kind of buffs really. Also I don't know if it should be something to benefit the player in terms of fighting monsters or PVP. Again, this is just a rough idea I have. And another idea I had to even out the playing field is to require TK rankers to be active. Assuming that most of them still have their accounts but aren't playing their TKs; a penalty against their points could be made. So, for each inactive day on their TK they could lose a point off their ranks. Since this is just a campfire discussion I'm more or less just throwing out ideas. I'm not a developer, nor do I know what it takes to make these kinds of changes possible.. I do know the server needs donations to stay afloat but there is a lot of other means to gaining donations. Improving the gameplay should be a given.. not necessarily require a way to make money to consider an idea that would to make the server a better place play.. That would make me think this server only caters to those who donate and I know it doesn't. SO, my ideas aren't about how it can also make money for the server. I'm all about supporting, but, there are a lot of us who just simply can't afford to shell out $40 for a piece of equipment. Buying donation items in game also requires being rich, which shouldn't be a requirement to enjoying the perks of a ranker.
  5. Welcome! :3
  6. Rankers already get rewarded..BUT MAYBE added bonuses to the ranker current bonus (without the addition of items/gears) would be better? I'm one of those people who feel weird about TKs using weapons the same way I feel weird about snipers using shields. I get that it's a high rate server but somethings just don't make sense with the class. It becomes something completely different when too much is changed. But, that's just my bias opinion. It's not really even a competitive class at the moment and until that changes I think any further rewards should be put on hold. It's a little premature to suggest rewarding when those who are ranked have just been sitting in the top 10 for a year now. If anything changed to further benefit those who are ranked the possibilities of getting to the top becomes even harder. The people who are currently in the top 10 will remain there; especially if a valk weapon existed and a boost on the cape is made. Yea, the cool thing about rankers that sets them apart is their exclusiveness. You can feel entitled to your boosts and your elite title as Ranker because it took you a whole two weeks to get there. So now you're suggesting you also have to be rich and willing to donate to be (stay) in the top 10? That just seems a little TOO exclusive to me. If you really want people to play TK suggest something that boost the boys and girls that aren't ranked. Give em a little incentive to do missions even if getting to the top 10 seems out of reach. Also, I saw it suggested several times of a reset to the tk points, which I'm not really for. But would it be possible to say, every (?) months have all points of each player reduced by half? (Doing this once might even be enough) Keeping those who earned their points in the top ahead but at the same time giving those who are lagging behind a chance to catch up? If there is is constant flow to the competition then those who are in the top would be more deserving of better rewards for their efforts.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=llIcPqunJgs&feature=related
  8. Appie


    Love yo stuffff <3 The second set is so freakin cute, haha.
  9. Happy Thanksgiving.. I know it's a day early but, I am overwhelmed with gratefulness for this year. It's had a lot of ups and downs but I feel like it's made me a lot stronger. And I am so so so thankful for all of my friends here who have been incredibly supportive through it all. I love you guys! <3

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Perishable


      I shot a turkey in the head and its head exploded.

    3. Appie


      Thanks, same to you! && ew? :p

    4. Elaice


      Happy Thanksgiving Appie! :)

  10. Appie


    Welcome! I've seen you around a bit in game~ If you ever need anything feel free to ask! I'm usually on my priest these days- Bunnybee. See ya around. :3
  11. Heya! I've already seen you in game. Wouldn't have guessed you're new though. I like the name, heh. Anyway, welcome! :3
  12. My vote is also for [5]Elaice Creativity - 4 Technical - 4 Execution- 5 Aesthetic- 5 Total: 18 My reasoning is it's a beautiful image with great balance of light and dark which flows effortlessly. Great use of texture as well; it gives the feeling of being submerged in water. It's the only image which is strongly supported by black and white.The only thing I'm not crazy about is the text, I think it should be more subtle.
  13. I likey da new forumz.

  14. Appie

    haha yea! Poringly makes the best sigs! xD

  15. Welcome back!
  16. Too many guys think I'm a concept, or I complete them, or I'm gonna make them alive. But I'm just a fucked-up girl who's lookin' for my own peace of mind; don't assign me yours.

  17. Oh just life happened. xD And it sucksssssss.

  18. Cupcake fail: Dropping them all on the floor & burning hands/wrist/arms on the pan trying to catch them. ToT

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TensaZangetsu
    3. Rune


      You can give them to me :3 i don't mind a small dust on my cake! So long as you haven't dropped them in an incredibly nasty floor! XD and get well from the burns soon :{ /pat

    4. Mint



  19. happy birthday. don't forget to bring a towel.

  20. Whoa. I love GY!BE. Nice choice. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C9N1aar52sA
  21. I saw your broadcast and PMd you but you were gone!

  22. Hoes before bros. Uteruses before duderuses. Ovaries before brovaries. :]

    1. Elaice


      Leslie Knope ftw, +1 to this :)

    2. Rune


      That was the most random thing i've seen today! Cookie for you :3

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