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Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by Appie

  1. i'm tired of these games. i just want something that's real.

  2. Excited about this new update!

    1. Genesis


      Good to hear! I actually just finished adding all the models/textures to my test client. I will be releasing with the all-in-one this week! NPCs/Quests/Items will be released later on with modifications to work with a high rate. Ragray won't work because they are outdated in comparison!

    2. Appie


      YAY! So exciting!!

  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3TEXs5CXHyY
  4. My vote goes to [2] sookyay Creativity- 3 Technical- 2 Execution- 5 Aesthetic- 5 Total: 15 Reason: I think of the two this entry better portrays an emotion. The somber lighting, the image of a girl with a tear rolling down her cheek.. You can't help but know that feeling. There's not a lot that is technical about this image, but, at least the feeling is clearly there. I like the subtle hint of color, it makes the image more appealing.. however, I don't think it adds to the theme itself.. infact, it kinda takes away from the emotional depth. There's a quote that I'm quite fond of- " when you photograph people in colour you photograph their clothes, but when you photograph people in black and white, you photograph their souls". There would be more emotion visable in her face I think without the splash of color. Still, great job on both entries! It's a shame there weren't more this week.
  5. Oooh, well, thanks for the info Vera! :)
  6. Seriously, am I the only one who cares about these quests? I spent several hours (AT LEAST 8) searching every field map, dungeon map, and custom map for the supposed mobs that were implemented for the Christmas quest. My friends and I couldn't find anything outside of the ones that were in Safari. And even those made the quests impossible to complete given that quests now GONE. What was the point of that? Really? Implement a Christmas quest the day before Christmas; take it away two weeks later.. no one got to enjoy the Christmas hats during Christmas.. or at all. Honestly, this is worse than the Valentines quest.. which took me several weeks.. maybe a month.. to complete. And it's really sad that all that work and time was for nothing.
  7. Did ANYONE get to finish the Christmas quest?!
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qMqjfuOnEKA
  9. I can't remember the last time I wore a smile that felt GOOD.

    1. Old Navy

      Old Navy

      If i went to your house would you invite me in?

    2. Lyris


      ^ What's the relevance to her status o__o; Yay Appie (: 2012 :D

    3. kuoch


      You needs a hug, April. Lets go ice skating. :3

  10. Happy new year, fluffeh <3

  11. Theme: A snow day for me and my polar bear. :3 IGN: Organic Original Screenshot: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v478/appie907/FRO/screenForbidden066.jpg
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dm4UlVFymbY
  13. Entry# 1 IGN: Appie Theme: Christmas in FCity Entry#2 IGN: Appie Theme: Nomming the gingerbread house :3
  14. My vote goes to [6] Elaice Creativity - 4 Technical - 5 Execution - 4 Aesthetic - 5 Total: 18 I know it's not listed on here but, relevance should be part of how the signature is judged. That is partly why this signature was my favorite. Between her's and Nandos, I had a hard time deciding but the colors in this image really won me over. I love the feeling of movement, like she's coming down from space to kick some ass. I also love the details, especially the clouds and stars. :)
  15. Florence +the machine - cosmic Love ;-;
  16. Appie


    Ugh, that's sad that someone had the audacity to say such a thing. They are definitely WRONG. Christmas is a cultural holiday as well as a religious holiday. If you're like me, you grew up celebrating a holiday that the majority of your country celebrates. Not just because it started as day to celebrate the birth of Christ, but, because it's a holiday that unites, spreads love and joy, and most importantly- gives back! To me, those aspects of the holiday are much more important.
  17. Happy Holidays, loves! <3

    1. Aerynth
    2. Old Navy

      Old Navy

      Happy Holidays, Darling... <3

    3. Mint


      APPIE! <3 Merry xmas

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