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Forsaken Elite
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About Kingdom

  • Birthday 10/31/1991

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    ..The North Remembers

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Knight (3/10)



  1. Happy Halloween & Happy bday! c:

  2. LOL!! Too bad you don't play anymore pro jew!! Happy bday anways!

  3. Hahaha! Happy Bday, jew. :D

  4. lol, i act 'immiture' because there is honestly no reason for me to be afraid not to, not really much of a big deal for me. Im just the pain in your neck you cant easily get rid of when im crossed. P.S: I only insult those who deserve to be insulted. Thanks. *The reasons to my actions are actually quite understandable. Imagine you just joined ForsakenRO, then someone (me) was insulting you, do you REALLY think they are going to want to stay on that server?* (Oh and IMAGINE why im not 'fond' of you..poeple, anymore, I was nice, but whats the point if a community shoves a nife in your neck, then the GM's do nothing, I reached my limit and im out for revenge, ^_^) P.S: Dont try to say intelligent words, they just dont work for how intelligent you really are. Im pointing out the truth, you know you cant deny it. Have a nice day /kis
  5. Laugh @ you. Wahoo for the forsaken elite quest?...since every other reply *cough* has gotten deleted, mysteriously *coughgenesiscoughcough*
  6. Kingdom


    Amen to that
  7. Kingdom

    Top Class

    Stupid forgot to add the most important classes in the game? Star gladiator and gunslinger...were did they go?
  8. Kingdom

    fcity portals

    Em...i think his post clearified this, anything eles?
  9. Kingdom

    Lack Of Events.

    You make me laugh...all i can say. You honestly make me laugh too...Honestly your not on enough to tell. No affence Delirium, your on your legit way more then your are on your on your GM. Etherel or w/e...your on your legit WAY more, honestly i still dont know what you do, please explain to me one day. Colagua, well when i saw him on his GM i saw him on his legit too *cough, vet's you know what i meen.* Then theres uuuh Zeit is it? he's just not on enough for me to tell so i cant really say, i think its more of a 50/50%. Erm, who eles? I forgot, but you take my meening i guess. This is why you hire the online nerds who are almost on 24/7 *cough vet's you know what i speak* Haha i do understand the european part, but again as in my responce above, exams ect. i understand this but they usually arnt all that active by nature. *Oh and Genesis, I could have made this much worse, I didnt acuse anything this time, no offence was broken =)*
  10. Kingdom

    This or that

    Depends on what the object is..*cough* Digimon or Pokemon?
  11. Kingdom

    r u gay

    =( im a jew... And yeah, your right jer, many other GMs do have way bigger reasons to be watched like that other then Milhouse, once he was accused other GMs started to do it thinking it was OK to make up shit, AKA half the reason why ive quit [due to half of our stupid GMs]. Oh and quote of Zeitgeist "Oh? and who was rated the best gm on the server? Me." Laugh @ you zeit, wanna know why you were voted the highest? It was because when the GMs didnt have the limit on teamed events you held like 2-4 a day yourself, thats why, nothing eles.
  12. Kingdom

    r u gay

    Oooh yeah jer you are a sexy beast -0- Oh and about Milhouse, He DOES disearve an appoligy, he was not warned about himself being kicked off, which is NOT how you handle things, also, I love how you, amalga, you of all poeple say that you've done sooo much about him when your really only on for the weekends, which is actually a funny story because i couldnt see hiring anyone that inactive. Even if he did make asumptions you guys owe him an appoligy, your better then that, Oh and did i meantion that shortly after his GM was kicked all his accounts were banned? Legit and all. I made asumptions too, most of them correct, No evidence i found on Colagua about summoning monsters, but what you do see often on him is that he holds events for himself. ~HAI GUYZ ITS KING
  13. Oh wow...you made a thread about something you have no idea what has happened or list what HAS happened "WOW THE NEW UPDATE IS HERE!! WAHOOOO THANK GOD! now what is it?" thanks genius, why didnt i think of this? *because someone has common scence, cough cough me*
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