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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by Yuu-Chan

  1. LOLOL. Once upon a time a girl name Scarlet lost her ability to bake so a boy name Jay helped teach her all the basics over again. The end
  2. Once upon a time Scarlet burnt her cookies and she was sad. The end
  3. LOOL. I was very gud at that! :3333!! Once upon a time, a girl name Linda saw a boy name Jay and thought he was another Jay. The end.
  4. They are indeed.
  5. awww :333 Once upon a time, Jay made Linda very happy. The end :333!
  6. LOL ):!! Once upon a time, Linda started a short story thread and the same 3 people always post. The end
  7. Osman and Nick? O.O
  8. ^ is a wonderful story. Once upon a time, I ate a delicious slice of cake. The end
  9. Starbucks Green tea or Jasmine tea
  10. Wyatte and Severe Conflict. n__n!
  11. False..I wish ]: The person below me is my fan.
  12. LOL? Once upon a time, a boy name Jay walked outside on a snowy day and the snow melted and the sun shined upon his big head. The end
  13. U SO LOVELY <333333
  14. JAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!! WHERE U BE Q_Q

    1. Amicable


      Im so busy ._. BUT its almost vacation, so who knows~ might see me on often ^.^

    2. Yuu-Chan
  15. The person above me loves marshmallows and hot chocolate as much as I do
  16. Once upon a time, A boy name Jay found a puppy in a box by the river...he took the puppy home and one day...it turned into a cat. The end
  17. +1. n___n ilu shweya.
  18. Granted, but the puppy flew away once you got it. I wish for a wish
  19. I don't know the person above me...but he likes bunnies.
  20. Once upon a time, a boy named Jay was transformed into a cup of hot chocolate by a girl named Linda, which he transformed her into a marshmallow, and as she hopped onto him to have a chocolate bath and she melted. A young lad named Mello walked by and drank the hot chocolate with the melted marshmallow inside. The end.
  21. Once upon a time, a boy name Jay turned a girl name Linda into a marshmallow so she turned hopped onto him and took a chocolate bath The end
  22. Granted, but then the world became a very cold place...inhabitable for humans...so you died... I wish for snow.
  23. Granted, but it was in your dreams. I wish I didn't have Calculus homework.
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