Once upon a time, Linda and Jay fell down into a ditch because they were fat. They decided to go to the gym together to lose weight, but Jay gave up 1 minute into it. The end!
^ LOL.
Once upon a time, Linda fell into sewer water. She didn't want to be the only one stinking so she dumped a bucket of sewer water into the ditch so that Jay would stink also. The end. :3
^ Its okay Jay.
Once upon a time, Jay decided to explore the world. To his surprise, he came across a girl name Linda on a snowy day. They played together and built a snowman together. The end.
^ it actually snowed yesterday and I shoveled :3
Once upon a time, a boy name Jay told a sad story about me wishing for snow all because he was jealous that he never saw snow. The end!
^ LOL.
Once upon a time, a boy name Jay wanted icecream but he didn't have any money so he started to cry. A lady walked by and saw his little sad face and gave him money to buy his icecream. The end.