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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by Exhibition

  1. [Acolyte Class] Int + 20, Vit + 20 [Creator Class] Int + 20, Dex + 20 [Mastersmith Class] Str + 20, Vit + 20 [Gunslinger Class] Dex + 20, Vit + 20 [Ninja Class] Int + 20, Vit + 20 [soul Linker Class] Int + 20, Vit + 20
  2. Okay, thanks for the clarification, close this topic then.
  3. Okay, so I've been voting for a very long time, waiting for new voting reward items. They finally arrived and I'd like to make a new character on the account on which I've voted for, but it's full and I can't delete any of the characters on it because I made the account about a year and a half ago, and no matter which e-mail I try it fails. I know that the e-mail changer was removed for security purposes, but what about if you just let us view which e-mail the account is registered under when we view the control panel. I have no way of deleting the character and making a ticket would be useless because "I need to know the e-mail" for anything to happen.
  4. B> Speed Potion Tickets [1 ticket : 2 Donation Coupons] Elemental Converters [200 Converters : 7 Donation Coupons] Aloevera [150 : 1 Donation Coupon] Cursed Water Tickets [2 Tickets : 1 Donation Coupon] Box of Storm Tickets [3 Tickets : 1 Donation Coupon] Authorative Badges [200 : 1 Donation Coupon] Yggdrasil Seed Tickets [6 Tickets : 1 Donation Coupon] Yggdrasil Berry Tickets [7 Tickets : 2 Donation Coupons] Chemical Protection Tickets [1 Ticket : 3 Donation Coupons] All Aquarius Diadems, except Red. --- Leave offers here or send me a private message through here, thanks.
  5. Everything about you is wrong.


  7. I'm not quite sure about restoring it to how it was before, but I don't think it's current dispell rate is suitable to consider the card 'worthwhile', at least when it had the attack strength bonus you could have a little more damage output while waiting to dispell. I don't think the card reflects enough to even be worth using it, I've been preferring using a drooping valkyrie to valk. rand. card. It wouldn't take much for an admin to test it's dispell rate and see how minuscule it is. I say at least restore the attack strength bonus, it was less damage than what a skeleton worker adds, and it makes the card more versatile and worthwhile, as MvP cards should be.
  8. Today I was informed by his cousin, who also plays his account, that the principal owner of the account, "Kim", known under the in-game names listed in the Topic Title, passed away after a week long coma after having suffered a severe asthmatic attack on 22nd of December, 10 a.m. his time. He was my best friend on fRO and I loved him dearly, even when we went long periods of time without talking to each other, I could always talk to him for support and to have a fun time. I took him for granted most of the time because I thought he would always be there. He is survived by his baby daughter, whose name I do not know. He had a really rough time near the end of his life, having been separated from his wife and living on his own, I feel a great sadness from having lost him. Rest in peace my friend.

  10. Me gusta el morado. A purple-colored rucksack would be nice.
  11. Wizards have a decent advantage over other classes in iRO/kRO and thus have the lower weight capacity, as GTB is extremely rare and only another magic class (professor) can completely nullify what a wizard can do in a almost non-GTB environment. You honestly can't compare the survivability of a wizard to that of a priest just because of safety wall. What about long range attacks which bypass Safety Wall? Wizards don't have the luxury of being able to use Pneuma to then render an enemies' long range assault useless. Assumptio > Energy Coat, as being hit while having a Coat active means your SP constantly being drained, and as for Ice Wall goes, see previous comment on Long Range skills, as well as GTB rendering anything a Wizard can do useless, besides maybe a meager 5k-20k Stave, if that. Even if we were to allow wizards to carry upwards of 300 Yggdrasil Berries, what are they supposed to do in terms of offensive? They can't use coma (Lord of Death Card Coma Chance is a joke), and your enemy will have GTB on anyways, or do any real damage with melee as they have no Mastery skills, and no I don't play wizard. On what you say about Priests.. VapoRub obviously only discussed Int-Based builds because if you choose to go battle (read: STR) builds, you'll have the capacity of carrying more berries naturally. Priests have Pneuma, Safety Wall, Assumptio, the capacity of being able to switch and actually efficiently use STR builds while threatening with coma, their chances of surviving is much better than a wizards, and can actually do something in return if they wish to. The most a Priest needs in this server is an Elite Mace so they can take advantage of their Mace Mastery skill. On the Ninja comment, have you tried killing a Ninja with fcp on your champion? What are you exactly supposed to do? It's true that you can sight them to prevent them from hopping around and then push them against a wall, but even then they can avoid all your damage by spamming Cicada as they try to walk away from you again. I don't see a good ninja going down so easily, or having to spam Yggdrasil Berries unless they use Final Strike, and a good Final Strike build requires STR anyways.
  12. That's an interesting avatar...

  13. I agree that Clowns & Gypsies should be given a weight capacity increase, but on everything else you said.. have you ever tried Bowling Bash on a stalker with a dagger on people using skolls? Your damage won't be that great. And tanking Asura Strike with a bow means you'll take 50k+ per Throw Spirit Sphere.
  14. How can you be against the weight increase skill being added to stalker/mage/sniper class elite weapons? It's only a fraction of what can be done to bring some actual balance among all classes. All STR based classes, classes with the ability to get the 'Increase Weight Capacity' skill on their own, and Peco Riding classes have a rather large advantage over all other classes. Our PvP is heavily dependent on who carries the most Yggdrasil Berries or who can use them the fastest. Naturally having to add STR into your stats creates a clear advantage as you not only increase your damage output, but you also increase how many Yggdrasil Berries you can bring into PvP. By enabling them to carry a few dozen more Berries, it won't make the large enough difference to be heavily against it. They have to be using the weapon in the first place, which not all people have/can afford, and switching weapons will mean having to have another elite weapon in order to preserve the weight increase. And lets be honest, GTB still completely annihilates any damage that a mage class could possibly do. Sure they could get flee and perfect dodge to prevent them from receiving damage/reducing damage, but how will they kill anyone in return? It's only fair to give them a chance to live a few measly more moments as the opponent laughs at you with FCP+GTB. Now on to stalkers, they aren't as diverse as you'd think they could be, at least not in this server. Limiting them to no transcended-class skills (Why?) means they have a few, rather weak, STR based skills to choose from when selecting a skill to copy, if that's the route they wish to choose. If they were to choose a STR based build, the elite dagger would not do much, if anything, to help their damage output, negating the increased weight capacity. What's left after that, bow-required skills (ouch, no real damage reduction and damage isn't that great with no Improve Concentration) and Magic/Int-Based Skills (see mage discussion). If anything, increasing their weight capacity doesn't do enough to balance the classes.
  15. These are the current War of Emperium 'rules.' I suggest that it be added that having an emblem is mandatory for the duration of WoE so that all players are easily recognizable and distinguishable. The maps get crowded and those persons who are not easily targeted due to the fact that they do not have an emblem have an unfair advantage
  16. But I'll be cow manure, that will be awkward at family dinners. And what will I do when I go to the bathroom, get me???

  17. What if a car runs me over, and a cow eats my remains and no one can identify my body, will I still be your brother then?

  18. No one is on the forums at this time.

  19. that will be 5000 pesos.

  20. What are you looking at PUNK

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