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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by Exhibition

  1. gastando tiempo LOL

  2. Vez algo que te gusta? :O

  3. Why must their be a chance of decarding failing when we attempt to decard? It's not that big of a deal, but when it happens three times in a row, I get annoyed. Remove please, NO reason to keep it. ;[
  4. I think Sanctuary/Heal was fine the way it was when it was accidentally nerfed, and should be returned to that state, at least for Sanctuary. A good WoE defense can give the priest plenty of time to heal up the Emperium with a 14k or so heal, with the use of multiple Bacsojin Cards. I wouldn't be against a mild HP buff up from it's past state, to like a 20~25k heal? That would make support High Priests really useful and the promote the use of them IMO.
  5. While the idea seems nice, there is no justification for another WoE Castle to be added as Devotion said. Unless you suggest removing or transferring over one of the existing WoE Castles, it would just increase the influx of WoE items, while the population of players remains unchanged, thus plunging the worth of WoE drops even further down the drain. I wouldn't mind this idea if the drops from the castle were modified to be like really good, official, RO gear and Consumable Tickets, that would help tremendously during this type of WoE, but not outside of it.
  6. YO. Eff you mang and just come back, ty.

  7. Updated. I agree that AGI is better than VIT for Champions.
  8. Uh.. I edited the suggested stats for the Assassin Cross Card. I think it should be of some added benefit to certain classes which are still underpowered due to the use of certain gears/cards, I lowered my suggestion by a marginal amount of buff. I think those classes need SOME sort of help which they aren't getting from other means... I added the Sanctuary suggestion since it seems it's what people want, lol.
  9. 1. Item: Vote Scarf Suggested Added Effect: [Acolyte Class] Int +20, Agi +20 [Gunslinger Class] Dex + 20, Int + 20 [Ninja Class] Vit + 20, Str+ 20 [soul Linker Class] Int +20, Agi + 20 [super Novice Class] Int + 20, Str + 20 Reason: Add more versatility to the scarf, increasing Int and Agi will enable 195 ASPD to be reached easier and the necessity of INT/SP in Champion/High Priest builds. It will not add to the power of Asura Strike, as you Sacrifice STR for damage, DEX for Instant Cast, and Vit for maximized HP, so Champion class will not get overpowered. Edit: Gunslinger : Enable Scarf to be useful for this class in order to make things fair. Dex increased for the damage boost, as they are at a disadvantage against other classes due to them not having a shield as an option while being offensive. Int for increased SP so that not so many Yggdrasil Berry/Seeds are eaten up while using SP consuming skills. Ninja Class: Enable Scarf to be useful for this class in order to make things fair. Str and Vit increased to increase the damage of Final Strike, the most damaging skill a Ninja has, which isn't that good to be honest. I guess INT could also be raised because of a Ninja's ability to use magic, but I think more HP/damage with Kunai/damage with final strike is better. Opinions? Soul Linker Class: Enable Scarf to be useful for this class in order to make things fair. Int raised to increase the damage of it's offensive skills.. even though they do nothing in PVP. Agi so ASPD is reached easier. This class really needs some help but these stats seem to help it the best ATM. No Vit since they tank-whore like no one else. Super Novice Class: Enable Scarf to be useful for this class in order to make things fair. This class is a lot more versatile and USEFUL with the Tao Gunka upgrade. Str and Int stat increase suggested so that it can fit both of the offensive routes it may choose to take, magic using or pure str-damage based. It has enough HP with the Tao increase, so Vit not needed. Opinions please. 2. Item: Assassin Cross Card Suggested Added Effect: [Mage, Priest Class, Merchant] Increase resistance to Neutral Property attacks by 7% Decrease Vit defense by 10% Max HP + 3% Reason: Mage/Priest Class/Merchant classes are easily nullified with a few cards/equipment changes. I think adding an incentive in the Assassin Cross to those certain classes would make them be used more as they would be able to go about PvP with some stealth while not being destroyed by Thanatos users/Asura Strike. I don't suggest more offense oriented classes (Champion, Clown/Gypsy,Gunslinger) because they are a force to be reckoned with no matter someone wears, while the Mage class is stopped by GTB, INT Priests as well, and Merchants can be Decreased Agi'd(Whitesmith)/Stopped by abuse of neutral damage resistance+gtb(Creators). 3. Suggestion: Re-instated buffed up WoE Guardians. The reason they were removed was an oversight when an update was added I believe, and they made WoE much more interesting. You had to be stealthy and avoid them or be stuck in a painful stun-lock situation which made WoE much more exciting and made people use teamwork in order to get to the Emperium Room instead of the FFA we see now, I loved it. It wasn't removed for any reason besides an accident, so I say instate it back again. 4. Increase Sanctuary/Heal effectiveness to what it was before an update seemed to have "nerfed" it.
  10. good, I miss the blog LOL

  11. I vote for Entry # 6 because it not only portrays Graffiti very well in it's appearance and presentation, entailing not only the freestyle methods of writing text which usually are a bit skewed and incorporate a design within them (which this entry does very well, as it can clearly be seen from the structure and appearance of the letters), but it also is highly creative and detailed and shows the artist's dedication for their work of art. That dedication and attention to detail is very important in the portrayal of Graffiti in my opinion. This is because, while it is true that some people use and view Graffiti as a form of vandalism, when associated to true art, the artist, I believe, demonstrates their creativity and love for their art work and thus reflect it in their work. Graffiti, as an art form, is an expression of one's artistic side that is expressed in this way because usually there has been no other method in which to express it in, and is usually detailed and is more than just words scribbled in an odd manner. So I like Emy's incorporation of the wings and halo in place of the dot over the 'i', because it's not just simply a name, but painting of image for the viewer to imagine when viewing her name. Incorporating an Angel with her name, and doing so in a very detailed manner. It is that actual detail that, to me, makes this entry stand out above the rest, and that it actually was drawn out with the artist's own hand. The shading on the wings and letters is remarkable. The glitter off the halo, wings, and letters is well done and placed very well. It actually LOOKS like it's shining. The attention to detail and amazing coloring, all being done by hand, is just overwhelmingly EPIC in my opinion. While it is true that Entry # 3 represents the vandalism aspect of Graffiti more accurately, being done with a stack back ground and computerized text, while modified, can't be compared to the detail and form of expression which 6 portrays, which deviates from vandalism very well and thus is more of artistic and less tactful in my own opinion.
  12. I had reserved myself from making more than a few mere comments, but if a comment like this that's completely unrelated to anything posted recently on this topic is acceptable, then my comment will be as well. I show no disrespect to entry # 3, I'm not criticizing it. I'm just bothered by some of the comments you made in your initial post, and this one is filled with even more 'misconceptions', especially when you want to compare something hand-drawn to something done digitally.... Grafitti, as an art form, has no defined method or technique. It's done by teenagers and older people alike, spreading their creative talent in the meager way that they can, and I can't sit here and watch you out right bash her signature by calling it something pertaining to commercialism. I know for a fact she poured a lot of time and effort and heart into this work, and it was her expressive talent coming out, not a desire for 'money'. If you don't like it, that's fine. If you want to criticize, that's fine too, I'm not impeding your free speech. It just bothers me that you try to talk about her and her artwork as if you actually really knew her and her intentions/motivations. Commercialism has nothing to do with it and it was a true expression of her artistic side, done with dedication and thought.
  13. mang I give you 5.

  14. yo, where's my order LOL

  15. Okay, I'm sorry. I know everyone is entitled to their opinion, and I myself haven't voted yet, but I don't think you should be criticizing someone else's work, especially when it's unreasonable. I do not think Emy's entry is too fancy. Real graffiti comes in many forms and is not just limited to the brick walls of some run-down neighborhood, it's an art form and I've seen grafitti portrayed in similar forms to what Emy did, including the art around the actual words. It reminded me of the art the cholos around my area like to paint on their low riders, and they really appreciate good grafitti. ps. Why would you even vote for it if you can't READ it? << Sorry... just saying, sorry for the rant.
  16. ^ AWESOME.
  17. Who is the SEXIEST GM in the world? You are! <3

  18. Why don't you log on this more? I can't come on RO anymore, I need you to message me so I can give you your staff back. :(

  19. I never got that postcard. :/ I hope you're doing WONDERFUL Li.

  20. If You Forget Me I want you to know one thing. You know how this is: if I look at the crystal moon, at the red branch of the slow autumn at my window, if I touch near the fire the impalpable ash or the wrinkled body of the log, everything carries me to you, as if everything that exists, aromas, light, metals, were little boats that sail toward those isles of yours that wait for me. Well, now, if little by little you stop loving me I shall stop loving you little by little. If suddenly you forget me do not look for me, for I shall already have forgotten you. If you think it long and mad, the wind of banners that passes through my life, and you decide to leave me at the shore of the heart where I have roots, remember that on that day, at that hour, I shall lift my arms and my roots will set off to seek another land. But if each day, each hour, you feel that you are destined for me with implacable sweetness, if each day a flower climbs up to your lips to seek me, ah my love, ah my own, in me all that fire is repeated, in me nothing is extinguished or forgotten, my love feeds on your love, beloved, and as long as you live it will be in your arms without leaving mine. Pablo Neruda
  21. I hope Emy's wins, it's simply amazing. It came out so great. <3...
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