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Sterling v.1

Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by Sterling v.1

  1. Sterling v.1

    hii .

    Hello and Welcome
  2. Sterling v.1


    Welcome. Play Safe!!!
  3. Sterling v.1

    Hi, I'm Jeon

    Hello and Welcome. Play Safe.
  4. Hi Need your opinion on what equips should I use for my HW. Heres my current Equips and build Upper:Fhelm w/ 2 KIEL Mid:Fallen Ghost Lower:pipe atm(any suggested item here) HW Elite Armon: GR/Marc(atm, will replace it w/ TAO when have enough DQ) HW Elite Shield: Usakoring(atm, will buy another shield with GTB) HW Elite Shoes: FBH/Dwiz card(Any other suggestion?) HW Elite Weapon: 3 Kingring(Any suggestions on this for High Damage) 2x ND Int Belt Just want to ask also some build? Thanks in advance on your suggestions... Comment/Suggestions are highly appreacited :cool:
  5. Welcome back.
  6. Sterling v.1


    Welcome back.
  7. Welcome!!! :)
  8. Hello(Im noob) /gg Welcome to F. Hope to see you ingame. Play safe. /no1 I guess you have change job by now. Gud luck LVLing
  9. Hello and Welcome. Hope to see you ingame. Play safe. /no1
  10. Sterling v.1

    HI ALL

    Hello and Welcome. Hope to see you ingame. Play safe. /no1
  11. Hello and Welcome to F. PLay safe /no1
  12. Hello and Welcome to F.
  13. Sterling v.1


    Welcome to F. Hope you'll enjoy your stay. /no1
  14. ***Already Bought***
  15. BUMP~ B>Dracula[offer]
  16. BUYING LIST F.CLOAK +0[90] or +10[80] F.ARMOR +0[90] or +10[80] F.BOOTS +0[90] or +10[80] OR you offer /no1 Leave IGN or pm me ingame. XenXias
  17. Sterling v.1

    Im Back

    Hello and Welcome back.
  18. Welcome back. See u IG
  19. Sterling v.1

    Hi ;)

    Welcome back. Play safe. ayt /no1
  20. Welcome to F. Hope to see u Ingame. /no1
  21. Sterling v.1

    back again

    Hi. Welcome back. PLay Safe
  22. Welcom to F. Play safe.
  23. Agree with the suggestions. /no1
  24. More defense = Thana bait
  25. Oh ok My mistake. :suicide_anim:
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