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Forsaken Elite
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About valkyrie

valkyrie's Achievements


Knight (3/10)



  1. While
  2. This is kinda hard. in terms of pvp most of good players go free lancing so they go with different guilds. and for woe. hmmm is it how many castle they got? and how long they kept it? I known this guild that held Alde for a very long time. forgot the name but yea during those days Alde was impenetrable. and then there was Influence (I WAS IN HERE "BIAS" MWEHEHE) at start they were not so good but in the end they had like 2-3 castle each woe. then I quit :D
  3. donor. offer? and what you need? xP
  4. First of all, things have been really easy to start in this server. As ThePerfectHit said, you can get around 80% par with "geared" people with vote + legendary equips. legendary weapons only go for 20-30 tokens compared to Valk weapons costing around 1k each even with the small difference. Back in the days it's either you had good gears or garbage. and that ruined the economy badly. No new people were coming because it was so hard to start up with nothing. although people sell at OP because the demand is higher than supply, that is still part of the game. It is also the reason economy is good for that gives newbies more chance to earn. honestly it's a surprise mvp cards haven't went down yet even with the mvp room drop rate being increased to 5% & 10%..
  5. SinX: Epic? Ricepicker?
  6. As it says. post offers! Thanks!
  7. I haven't played for a while now and so I was about to log in earlier and all my accounts said I have an Incorrect password? any of this happened to you? I use 1 pass for everything
  8. anyone knows any error with the poring letter??

    1. Ryuk


      If you error with the poring letter please send me an PM. :3.

  9. Hello! I was just wondering how things have been going here??

  10. 1% thana please! :3

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