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Wang Liu Mei

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Everything posted by Wang Liu Mei

  1. My First and Last (Last Minute Break) as Solo Guild (Pacific WoE) Once in a Life Time chance to get Rare Castle Drop(s) solo... Sadly, all red boxes and crap loots. IGN: Feldt Grace Guild: Hostile
  2. Selling my +0 Limited Edition Red Dragon Helm for 2.6 forsaken tokens (open for trades pref. Skull Aura or Donation Myth) pm or post offer : IGN: Theanne / Feldt Grace
  3. Make sure you have atleast 560 Hit when you are a physical attacker... You can raise it by using dex (1 dex = 1 hit), silver phreeoni card (+50 hit compounded on weapon *available on vending area*), phreeoni card (+100). And don't use earth element, its best to use fire against it.
  4. Nice guide It will be helpful to newbies. Also, it's best to use baby wizard for farming since they have 9000 stat points. Not hi-jacking your thread but just sharing some info. Str 19x-2xx (base stat) Agi (195 atkspd) Vit 100 total Int 29x-300 ( (base stat - divisible by 10) Dex 150 total luk 1 You can also use 2 mistress of shelter card on armor (+20 int cuz of 19x-2xx base str)... also with Piametter ears,2 silver fbh, cape/scarf,Legendary HW staff, Int gauntlets you can kill thanatos mobs *even without HW card* (tha_t09-11) with 1 SG=Profit.
  5. 1. After the thief throws the items, you should farm for the items and return to the forsaken elite npc. 2. Most Classes needs 3 Kiel cards for max spam...having a fourth one will actually slow you down since effect will be nullified if more than 3 kiels are equipped. >> Donation Aura Like Lighthalzen Aurora/Runes of Power for physical damage dealers, butterfly for magic...and Skull/Mythical flame If you wanna go defensive. Also Slotted accessories.
  6. Maybe enabling Gameguard can eliminate third party programs although I read somehere it causes problems with some anti-virus softwares.
  7. Wang Liu Mei

    Dual Login?

    It isn't.
  8. Its probably ghost property that's why I said use firebolt. Lv5 firebolt should be available when you have legendary biochem mace.
  9. Make sure your screen resolution is divisible by 8. If it is 1366 x 768, change it 1360 x 768. It should work perfectly. Hope this helps.
  10. I doubt it will be reverted back. There's just too many qqs regarding it.
  11. sold at 2.7k
  12. Doesn't really need removal/nerf. It can be easily dispelled and can be bypassed with magic.
  13. or 1 Incant, 2TG and Skel Worker for optimal performance.. and some has negative defense so 2TG/2Skel might work.
  14. closed.
  15. Try to reset your character position in control panel. https://forsaken-ro.net/cp/?module=main
  16. Another awesome update. /no1
  17. IGN: Theanne IGN: Hrist Valkyrie IGN: Valkyrja IGN: SmexySmith IGN: Feldt Grace
  18. Yep tested it many times, Aura blade seems useless...so u gotta put incant to ignore enemy/s defense. Well, if you use thana better not use aura blade.
  19. log-in https://forsaken-ro.net/cp/?module=main My Account>Character>Reset Look, Reset Position
  20. I'm no gm but you can try to reset your character's position and looks at control panel. It happened to me as well when I got back (after 4/5 years) and resetting solved the problem.
  21. Or you can fill your inventory to its maximum (all stuff you wanna loot) then just use @autoloot...not applicable when you're farming non stackable items though.
  22. I believe that multiple autoloot (@alootid) is/are available on rathena server/s..however, FRO is still eathena (not sure).
  23. Like they say, run setup.exe then change your resolution depending on your monitor.
  24. Use Incant,TG and 2SG for FreyrsBlade/L.LK Sword. I already tried Thana,TG and 2SG, and its not that effective anymore since most players use 2 skolls already..not to mention friggs and the rings. I am not sure about the cards on spiral pierce, but If I were to put cards... that will be (2 Skel Worker and 2TG). I wont use phreeoni since LK has concentration skill.
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