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Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by Yukumaru

  1. HI MING n__________________________n

    1. Fantasia


      O_O what's in 6 months...?

    2. Drax
  3. No pecs, no sex.
  4. Cool story bro. Wanna tell me again?
  5. -1
  6. 1. No 2. No 3. 5 PvP Tokens...mmm NO 4. Ya sur, ty.
  7. 860
  8. Anybody selling a Champion Dorcus?

    1. Xtopher


      S> Champion Dorcus 1.5k. PM me ingame, my main char's name is "IAmBetterThanJohn".

    2. Masahiro


      Paging DR FAGGOT LOL

      John Y so hobo

      only dorks use Dorcuses

      a message from your biggest fan, Mario LOL

  9. Yukumaru

    Lk Weapon

    Yeah just remove the coma effect, I wouldn't like to be getting attacked by a 45k (9k per spiral) spam with having the chance of being coma'd.
  10. Sacred Blue Wings [4000] or SGW [2000]
  11. Yukumaru


    Woah! Dis guy means SRS BSNSS!!!
  12. Yukumaru


    Woah! That's one pro sniper. He must be liek...a Forsaken God or something! It was an honor to have been killed by him.
  13. Yeah I play CA. Add me so we can play some time. IGN: JTaveras
  14. Yukumaru

    John's Shop !

  15. Yeah so as the title says, I am selling a pair of Sacred Blue Wings. Leave your offer and name in your reply. I'm usually on Reminiscent or Yukumaru, so you can find me there. kk thanks.
  16. Yukumaru

    Super Baby

    How about giving SN class a better Melee attack? Afterall, Bash+Mammo aren't really that useful. And I agree with Somdara on the Super Novice weapon, be pretty useful.
  17. I'ma have to go for Numero Dos, Porinlgly. Mainly because the special effects around the Prinny makes it so much more awesome- especially with the red and blue gradient. The entry also has a unique class and that makes the entry entirely more different and unique. Plus it's a Prinny man, AHHH HAIL DA PRINNY GODZ /desp
  18. Yukumaru

    Whitesmith Job.

    FINALLY! Somebody made a suggestion bout WS. Seriously this class is sooooo underpowered. Low HP, low damage, easy to out ygg them. Plus it is kinda hard to kill someone when you're doing like 15k~19k a CT and ygg at the same time while they're hitting you I'd say...12k~16k a hit (Fighting a sin x.) So yah I definitely agree with this topic. +1
  19. Bump? :3
  20. So yeah. I've realized that on the Tao Gunka Card, it says it's supposed to add 60% more HP, but it seems that it's not adding 60%, it's still at 30%. I was just wondering if you guys could go ahead and fix that. So that it'll actually give 60% HP. Thanks :3
  21. Alright guys it's bout time I take my leave from this server :( Been here for about 2 years and 4 months I think. Had lots of fun on this server, but I just gotta move on from this game. Had fun with everybody I played with on this server, I will truely miss all of you. If you want to keep in touch with me just add my MSN (Message me for it) and we can talk :D Alright then Guys and Gals, have fun and take care.
  22. Yukumaru


    Awwwwwwwwwww!!! I miss Mike D: Anyways... Happy Birthday, Mike !!
  23. Yukumaru

    Pvp Time

    no. lol
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