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Forsaken Elite
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Zalera last won the day on August 25 2015

Zalera had the most liked content!

About Zalera

  • Birthday 08/19/1988

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  • Location
    Pennsylvania, US

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Zalera's Achievements


Knight (3/10)



  1. Hey you! Thank you for fixing my error that I've have for over 4 years, Lmao! Now I can play again. :th_thx: :th_kis:
  2. Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! I'm back! <3 ^w^

    1. Danny


      wow! where you at girl!?

  3. Thanks, finally got them.
  4. Umm, I donated over a week ago and have not received my list of items yet...was not sure if its a longer process when using a card and not paypal... I donated for 2 Kiels, 2 Tur Gen, 1 Valk Helm, and 5 dqpons.
  5. Where are you hiding Asia! Come out come out where ever you are!

  6. Thank you, that seems to have fixed the issue.
  7. I just did a trade not too long ago, which included a Snowflake aura. However, when i tried to equip the aura, Fro shuts down and a dialog box with Gravity Error and computer jibberish poppes up. Maybe its a patch error or something but I dont know where to download a new patch for th is....?
  8. Thank you all for your generous help, I have tinkered around with RO and fixed it myself. I just deleted some extra files in the Ro folder and opened up Setup.exe and changed half of the options available and booted up Fkenro after I closed IExplorer. It seems to have been the remedy so far, as it still works now even with IE up and running in the background and also works now booting up the patcher and letting it update itself.
  9. I see then. Thank you.
  10. On what part are you lost
  11. Ok, the first part, the deletion and Run as Administrator still did not work. However, I did get to the login screen finally with the Fkenro file but I got the Fail to connect to server error message and cannot get past it.
  12. Neither one of your remedies worked with my Ro window problem and also there is another problem to add on.
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