Str: At least 50 or more. For carrying stuff like seeds, holy water, switching items.
Agi: This stat isn't that important to a support priest.
Vit: Primarily stat that would consider as a support priest. You need a highly HP so that you cant die easily.
Int: As long as you have more than enough sp to cast skills even you are 50x weight
Dex: exactly 150. To be able instant cast.
Luk: Isn't important. (no need to add)
Hats that can give you more vit or hp. Mostly, players use:
Upper: Forsaken Valkyrie helm | Knight's helm |Halloween hat items (eg. Midas Whisper, Skull cup)
Middle: Emperium aurora any auras
Lower: Blessed ring | Balloon | Scarf
Cards: Bascojin | Kiels
Highly recommend to use Vote Forsaken King set or Forsaken King set. It can be also use knight set. Most cards are the same with the other classes except the weapon part. Frigg shield will be better to use than king shield or knight shield. For the weapon, use high priest highness or legendary staff.
Armor: Tao | Ghostring
Shield: Golden Thief Bug |Usakoring | Maya
Garment: Raydric | Skoll
Foot: Green ferus
Weapon: Strip cards
Lex Aeterna : Best friend at all times.
Decrease Agility: Mostly targets are sinx and pally
Asperio: Changing the element to holy element
Sanctuary: Emperium's best friend on defense
Safety wall: 2nd Emperium's best friend
Ruwach: Basted out sinx cloaking around the emp room
Blessing, Agility, Impositio Magnus, Kyrie Eleison, Assumption : To support your team.
WOE tips for support high priest
You need to be cooperate and listen to what your guild leader's plan. Your goal is to support the emperium from breakers to break your emperium on Defense part. If ever your guild is going to break the castle, as a support priest job is to help your guild that your breakers are the one who will break the emperium. Use skills: Lex aeterna ,Decrease Agility and Asperio on the enemies' breakers.
Raid tips
As long as you have sinx card. Raid will be easier for you. You just need to cloak to prevent dying. Priest on raid act as a life saver to your party members. You must remember that you should be the last member to die on the quest.
GVG tips
Your best friend skill on this event is your Lex Aeterna. Use this skill to your enemies.