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  1. I've read a lot of the zeny-making guides on the fora and I just thought I'd share some of the things that I've noticed and learned over the years playing Ragnarok Online. Let's start things off! First, this guide is particularly for the newbies who have trouble finding sources of good zeny *and when I say newbies, I mean newbies to this server AND to the whole Ragnarok Online gaming experience. Starting off your Forsaken Ragnarok Online adventure After creating a new character, you might want to upgrade some new equipment, or just get some petty cash to buy some of the things you might need, like Silver MVP cards, Berserk/Awakening potions, weapons and accessories from the mall or whatever. The best place to go to would be Izlude Dungeon 02 (iz_dun02) or Brasilis Dungeon 02 (bra_dun02). Why? Because the Obeaune from iz_dun02 and the Iara (iara) from bra_dun02 both drop Witherless rose 100% of the time. Though I really suggest heading to bra_dun02 because the Iara spawn like crazy over there. LEVEL 1 FARMING Things you might need to farm quickly: Farm Area: bra_dun02 or iz_dun02 (just autoloot the witherless rose. Just type "@ali witherless rose" or "@ali 748" without the quotation marks) Super Novice Class: Anything. You have both Lighteningbolt at your disposal and you also have access to some level 1 wind daggers at the mall. Taekwon Class: You can change your attack element to any of the 7 you have through Warm Wind. Just use Warm Wind Level 2 and you can start kicking some mermaid butt! Gunslingers: You pretty much don't have a choice. Just use the weapon you're given. It kicks ass anyway. Ninja: You could either get some wind Kunais and get the Throw Kunai skill or, go jutsu type and get Wind Blade. Tear the mermaids a new one. Archer Class (Snipers/Bards/Gypsies): You are given a Balista and some money to buy ONE wind arrow. Kill them all. Thief Class: Thief >> get the elemental daggers or just stick with the fortune sword. Either way, you'll want to change jobs at job level 50. Assassin >> get the Katar of Piercing Wind. End of Story. Stalker >> Same deal as the Archer class. Though, you might have to buy your own bow. Acolyte Class: Acolyte/Priest: Just get any type of mace and bash your way through. Not sure if there are any wind-type maces at the mall, or if there are any at all in the game, but you're still gonna have to beat the crap out of some mermaids so just mash away. Monk: A Kaiser Knuckle is available at the mall. Merchant Class: Get a wind dagger from the mall, or if you can, get Tomahawk. I suggest getting Tomahawk. Like, really. Swordsman Class: just basically use any weapon you want. If you can buy Zephyrus or Tomahawk at the mall, then go. But if you want to stick to your freebies, then okay. Mage Class: Same deal as the Super Novices. you have Lightening Bolt. Now you might ask "Why farm there at all?" I suggest farming there for a couple of reasons. 1) NO ONE ELSE IS THERE (bra_dun02). AND WHEN I SAY NO ONE, I MEAN, I WAS THE ONLY ONE I SAW FARMING THERE AT ANY POINT IN TIME. NOBODY GOES THERE. 2) Witherless Rose weighs 1. You can farm all you want for HOURS and probably not reach 90% weight capacity. 3) It's easy money. If ever you just need money for upgrading or buying necessities and don't want to complete with other VETERAN players in the other more famous farming spots, then this is the place to go. Tips for certain classes: Some melee classes might have a harder (farming here is easy, but then again, melee classes still have to walk up to the mermaid b*tches) time considering, well, they're melee. Here are a few tips: Monks: Get Throw Spirit Sphere and max it. Why? Because it almost has no after-cast delay. Its consecutive casting is totally dependent on your attack speed and the 150-dex instant cast requirement. No need for Kiel or Silver Kiel cards here. How to get Finger Offensive: Level 2 Iron Hand/Iron Fists Level 5 Call spirits/Summon Spirit Spheres Level 3 Investigate/Occult Impactation Merchant/Swordsman Class: Remember me saying that you should get "Tomahawk"? Here's why. You get access to the skill "Throw Tomahawk," an exlusive skill for the Swordsman Class and the Merchant Class that enable you to LITERALLY throw the tomahawk. This is neat because it gives you a ranged alternative against the mermaids, and would then make your consecutive killings easier (because you won't have to walk up to them anymore to smash their faces in). You know the best part about this thing? IT ALMOST HAS ZERO AFTER-CAST DELAY. You can spam it all you want, at a rate relative to your attack speed. The faster the ASPD, the faster you spam. LEVEL 2 FARMING When I say Level 2 Farming, I refer to the kind of farming that would enable you to buy higher tier items and basically just earn lots of zeny in a short span of time. And all of the things I've written down here are under the assumption that everybody who'll be using this guide don't have the following: Forsaken Knight Set Vote/Donation Items No MVP cards No Knight-level equipment, like Gauntlets or Belts, etc Farm Area: abyss_03 (don't forget to autoloot the treasure boxes! Type "@ali 7444" without the quotation marks) I've read a lot about what other people have to say when it comes to farming in abyss_03. They say it's about the 50% drop rate of the treasure boxes and the 100% drop rate of the Stones of Sage on tha_t07 and other floors. Well, I just have some things to say about that. But more on that later. I've subdivided the Character classes here into 3: Melee classes + Gunslingers, Magi, and the "Bow/Musical instrument and Arrow classes." Melee Classes + Gunslingers: The thing about melee classes is that, well, they're melee and they might just die off before even getting to some Acidus. Well, gunslingers are ranged, but they have the same problem that most melee classes (except Taekwon class): they lack the Element part when it comes to dealing damage. So, here's my tip for melee classes. Get Cursed Water from the False Angel (gefenia01-gefenia04). These are Usable items that enchant your weapons with the SHADOW property, hence allowing you to deal double your normal damage to the golden Acidus. Cards? Basically just go 2 Minorous (moc_pryd05) and 2 Earth Petite (gef_fild06) Cards. I am not sure if the cursed water buff works for Gunslingers' shots as well, but I've tried them before on other servers and they seemed to have worked out just as intended. Now, you'll be able to deal some VERY DECENT DAMAGE to the Acidus. This buff also works for the Throw Spirit Sphere skill of Monks/Champions. You can pretty much put any card on any other piece of equipment you have, just don't forget to put the recommended cards on your weapons. Magi: pretty much nothing you can do except just keep casting your spells. I really don't recommend using Magi to farm in abyss_03 (unless you have your Mage geared up pretty decently, with Fallen Bishop Hibram cards and other stuff, like the forsaken armor set) Bow/Instrument Classes: You have Arrow of Shadow in your arsenal. No need to explain here. Just equip the arrow and start hitting them all golden Acidus. Snipers: You might want to get a Sniping Suit (from Bow Guardians in thor_v03) to maximize the crit it gives. Also, buy Renown Archer's Gloves for additional crit. And most importantly, I would recommend getting the card combo for Archers (Cruiser + Anolian + Alligator + Merman + Dragontail Cards) because of the damage boost it gives. With the set, you are given +20% boost in damage of your ranged attacks and a bonus 10% damage in critical attacks! Here's the Poor man's Farming Sniper Build I made: Headgear: Holden Card/Any other card. Doesn't really matter. Armor: Sniper Suit with Anolian Card Weapon: 1 Cruiser, 1 Minorous and 2 Earth Petite Cards. Garment: Any Garment with Dragontail card Footgear: Bunny slippers with Merman card Accessories: 1 Orlean's Glove or any other accessory with [1] + Alligator card, then Renown Archer's Glove Just get your crit to around 90 or 85 and you're pretty much set! Just don't forget to get your attack speed to 195 and the total DEX you should have should be a multiple of 10. Bards/Gypsies: Skill-based arrow-arrow using class. Just spam your Musical Strike or Throw Arrow skills, while equipped with Arrow of shadow and the 2 Minorous and 2 Earth Petite Cards. Same thing regarding the dex. Close it off to a multiple of 10. Stalkers: Here's a fun bow-class character. You can capitalize on a few other things when it comes to Rogues/Stalkers. First. Did you know, that if you get the Sidewinder card and compound it to your weapon, you'd be able to use the max level of your Double Attack skill with said weapon? It's awesome. A bow with sidewinder card works just like a dagger, but with the added bonus of the elemental damage that arrows bring. Second, with Stalkers, you can copy another characters spells/skills. How about a Champion's Raging Trifecta Blow? And the good thing is, it works just fine on this server compared to other servers (on other servers, the triple attack that rogues copy off deal reduced damage compared to the when Champions use the same passive. How awesome is Forsaken RO?!). How do you get it? Just ask a friendly Champion to hit you a few times so you can copy the skill. After you've been hit with the Raging Trifecta Blow, it's automatically copied, then use Preserve. To copy a skill you first need the Plagiarism/Intimidate skill. Remember to max the Intimidate/Plagiarism skill to copy a Level 10 Raging Trifecta Blow. How to get Intimidate/Plagiarism: Level 4 Snatcher/Gank Level 4 Steal Coin/Mug Level 4 Backstab Level 2 Tunnel Drive/Stalk Level 5 Raid/Sightless Mind If you plan on getting the Raging Trifecta Blow, I recommend not wasting one weapon card slot on a sidewinder card. Instead, put another minorous card there. Or if you want, you can also use the Cruiser + Anolian + Alligator + Merman + Dragontail card combo on your stalker to deal more damage. Up to you. the card combo works for other classes as well. you just wont be benefiting from the increased 10% damage from critical attacks that the Cruiser card gives you. You still get the increased 20% increased ranged physical attack damage bonus. Now, you might ask again "Seriously? Stones of Sage is easier to farm, and has a 100% drop rate." Okay. I get that. But then again, you should remember that a Treasure box cost THREE TIMES as much as a Stone of Sage, and treasure boxes only weigh 1, whiles Stones of Sage weigh, what, 20? You could spend hours farming in abyss_03 and not even get to around 90% weight capacity. And if you die? So what? You can just as easily teleport back to town, get buffed from the healer and then go at it again! A player harassing you? Just teleport yourself outta there! The great thing about Forsaken RO is that it allows you to keep using @warp without getting silenced. There really isn't any downside from dying anyway. Plus, one more point is that if you have decent enough equipment (normal equipment, like I sad), a sniper should deal around 6-8k/hit with critical and arrow of shadow on an acidus. You can kill one in less that 2 seconds. Personally, I've done this and I farm 500-600 treasure boxes in an hour. People often get discouraged at the 50% drop rate of the treasure boxes. The Acidus from abyss_03 spawn at a much larger volume and faster rate compared to the monsters that drop Stone of Sage in the Thanatos Tower (from my experience). For an hour of farming, you could get double the amount of Stones of Sage that I could get in an hour of farming in the abyss_03, but even if you do get 1000-1200 of them, your total selling profit would only be 2/3 of what I would make in abyss_03 treasure box farming. Because selling 1 treasure box gives you literally 300% of what you'd get from selling 1 stone of sage. I am not saying that farming stones of sage is a poor choice of farming time. I am jsut saying that I prefer hunting treasure boxes since they yield more and faster zeny (for me, atleast). Thank you for reading. If there are any grammatical errors or typos, please inform me. Peace!
    1 point
  2. What is up people of the Forsaken RO :) I have been very active in WOE the past few weeks. I was Inactive for a long time and when I got back I don't know where all my friends went :P haha So most of the people now do not know me and vice versa, which is sad :P But someone approached me with so much enthusiasm which fueled me to become active as before again :) I love the server and I'm having fun again :) Made new friends :) For people who don't know me, I'm a breaker main and made a breaking guide: http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=26958 So the point of this post is to let the forum peeps know and admins that I have been streaming on www.twitch.tv/plok_ph every time I get to participate in War Of Emperium. I live in the UK so the American WOE is at 1am at my place, and I still stay up just to participate :) Every single time I stream on twitch, I get up to 10 people (Which is kinda big for a nobody on twitch) watching and asking me about the server, which is my intention why I decided to start streaming it, and also to be able to persuade them to join the server. I had a couple of people who started downloading it on the spot, the only problem is that I couldn't really talk to them that much because I'm communicating with my guild mates and focusing on doing my role as a breaker :) I hope that they end up playing in the server and staying. It would be so much fun and competitive if we double the amount of active players in the server :) This is just something I wanted to share with everyone and hope that the active people in the server would also try their best to help the server grow :D My IGN: pLok_PH
    1 point
  3. Hey plok! I'll take your first paragraph as a positive feedback. Even though I know that I still suck at breaking. Yes, before I started making my sinx, I studied your build prior to creating my assassin cross and asking people around how to break, etc. your tutorial gave a big impact to me and when I "accidentally" bumped into you, I was so glad that you accepted my offer! I am grateful to your tips and patience with our "new" guild and I am looking forward to make history with you guys. Nux pee pew pew! I and our members really enjoy your company over voice guild chat and it's a big thing to boost our morale. More power to you and I'll be watching your videos on how much I suck as leader. So next time, if we become a solid guild, I can look back and laugh at all of my errors. Thanks brother. For the horde!
    1 point
  4. My idea of a perfect christmas Is to spend it with you~<3 IGN: iZoey Credits to Monaco for being with me in this Picture <3
    1 point
  5. What makes my holiday? Spending time w/ the others in fRo c:
    1 point
  6. Since I don't really have time to make my screenshot freshly in-game. I like to enter my previous entry, since the screenshot that i have is suitable on the theme. I hope this won't affect on the criteria for judging specifically on Originality for that matter of reasoning. Thank you :) Theme: Singing Silent night~ with the angels up high. IGN: kitkat
    1 point
  7. What Makes Your Holiday?: The True Spirit of Christmas. Whether you have friends, families, or even just yourself, a good way to make the holidays a great experience is by being one with the spirit and feelings surrounding the season, sharing the kind of happiness you want with everyone around you, and becoming one with the lights that illuminate the world with hope. In this way we can truly become part of what makes a true happy holiday.
    1 point
  8. Legacy Card system is meant to coexist with the implementation of Forsaken Tower. Further more Legacy Card drop rates are 0.01%. How can you call something overpowering and yet you have no Idea what the effects are? Can you explain your reasoning? Do you have E.S.P? Can you tell what efects are going to be on the card before the GMs come up with an idea? please tell me, I wish to hear about your ability to see the future. I am still thinking you are looking at the examples as a final result. If you are please stop those are EXAMPLES. Side note: I am starting to think you camp MVPs
    1 point
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