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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/02/14 in all areas

  1. 1. I am not sure if satan mask works with vote fking set, you might want to check that out. 2. Using 2 swords as I remember gives penalty to hp, and uses a lot of agi just for aspd. Lose it, and use a dagger. You won't be always using dual weapons anyway, you switch it in at random moments during a duel to confuse enemy on his ygging. 3. Get forsaken soldier card for the cape 4, I rarely use vanberk, with loki's seals and ifrit cards, you should easily get 100-110 crit rate without investing too much luk. and hell, investing a bit of luck = some Perfect dodge, 5. I probably use a mobster card on the second weapon instead of skel worker or valk rand. valk randgris chance to dispel is nerfed on sinx, and the damage boost is lost too. so if I were you, i will go 2x tg, 1x mobster, 1x paper on the main or second(main if you want the mobster bonus always on hand) or just plain 2xtg, 2x paper on both damage weapons. 6. This might only work for dex sinx(i am a dex double dagger sinx) but I always use blue ifrit ring, because not all battles can be won with just damage. So i optimize my stats wearing the blue ifrit then the other accessory. 7. I have 5 armors on every character I use. gr tao, 2x tao, puppetring tao are the normal ones. The ones I bring depending on situations are garm tao, angeling tao, evil druid tao, and i forgot the cards for the magic reflect. 8. Always have something that can cast sight at least. You can see them with box of sunlight but you have no way of showing them up because your hit will be crap on crit
    1 point
  2. *-* It feels great knowing that knowing other people on this server watches anime as well! Ive recently started watching anime, specifically last summer/mid july, and i just fell in love with it completely. Ya'll don't know how many series i watched so far, but I'd say like around 120 and its been a crazy ride watching a variety of genres out there. I have to say that my favorites would be in the romance/comedy drama section which I started out with such as Clannad, Angel Beats, and Anohana. Nowadays I've been trying to watch more psychological thrillers, horror, action, and mechas. If you want to some recommendations, Id be honored to help :D Favorite animes: Clannad, Spice and Wolf, Little Busters Most hated animes: Mirai Nikki and School days
    1 point
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