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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/17/14 in all areas

  1. So, this is how the game works...... Example: 1st Person: I wish I had a puppy. Second Person: corrupts the 1st person's wish and wishes a new wish of their own. Corrupted the wish: Granted, but the puppy died the next day. So, the game continue, and people keep corrupting each others wishes! (: I wish I had less homework.
    1 point
  2. I wanna know the build and item plssssss.
    1 point
  3. I agree on this... if they got strip. They be chant. And go back to normal...it would be help if this is canbe fix.. and pally set is OP as well.
    1 point
  4. Hello guys....... Hai am new here...... so can anyone help me....... i need newibe guide and high wizard status and equips...... Thanks
    1 point
  5. Yeah, I had a frustrating run-in with a Pally the other day. Name of said Paladin, just curious. Also note that battle chant removes all of their own buffs as well, which is huge. Depending on your class, it leaves them open to take some heavy damage they weren't used to before. Loss of guard and def aura. As well as no reflect shield. Paladins are resilient bastards, just keep forcing them to dispel themselves and hope the pressure overwhelms them.
    1 point
  6. Most of pinoys when they saw a good champ spamming fast they said its macro on keyboard or w/e it is but sadly its not you cant macro asura becoz you gotta press 4 button to do even gaming keyboard wont to dat fast so it just coz of ping so try to understand MOST OF PPL HAS THIS PROBLEM is pinoyz they lyk "you macro noob" it juz they cant accept that they noob at spamming and high ping so try to understand dont be so noob even tho you are already c: Just made this to clear this pinoyz misunderstanding about asura spam "YOU CANT USE MACRO AT CHAMP" wud be just fail c:
    1 point
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