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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/06/13 in all areas

  1. Since other topics were restarted, 1
    1 point
  2. Hey guys, I just wanted to inform you guys of a few fixes I have done. 1. Thanatos Summon Room has been Completely recoded. We were using the old RO mechanics for it that didn't work for repeat use with our new system. As a result, I have completely removed the old system and coded it from the ground up. Everything worked in the 3~4 tests I did on our production server. It will also announce when Thanatos is defeated. Let me know if you find any issues! 2. We have made it so items cannot be dropped in WoE maps. This includes maps not currently being used as castles. 3. A bug that causes people to error has been patched. The issue was with the Archangeling Hat from last year, we have patched it in a very small patch and players should no longer error. I highly recommend everyone patch! :) Lastly, I would like to thank you all for your continuous support. We are, and have been for several months, the number one voted high rate in all of Ragnarok Online! ForsakenRO wouldn't be where it is without you! Thank you! Jorge
    1 point
  3. champion, sinx and sniper! use 4x abyssmal at weapon or 1inca+3abyssmal use gtb shield 2firelock on boots GR+tao armor and 2 raydric on cloack... the rest is up to you... XD
    1 point
  4. I'll be happy to add you if Laura isn't avaliable. Look up for my Minstrel (Alexei Baxter). Peace!
    1 point
  5. This look awesome! I'm really interested to join, i love to help others, hunt mvp and farm. Can i join you, please? :)
    1 point
  6. =_= I hate those colors....especially for eyes! Ugh, definitely not BLACK EYES (I DONT WANT TO BE HIT!) I guess brown eyes! "_____" or [______]
    1 point
  7. Bro he didn't say you're wrong about anything, he "politely" <--- (key word) said you're being a dick and talking just to talk, while being a dick xD I'm sure he spends more than enough time outta his life reading suggestions, thinking of how they will effect the server(yes, that includes you too), and taking into consideration how much work the changes will take. Also right after he asked you to be pleasant you decided to be a dick again... Give your fucking head a shake zerg yes i do realize i just did what u did as well, but you obviously didn't get the hint.. Anyways I like Gen, Shino, Vera, and Dream! <3
    1 point
  8. Hallo, bin seid 2 Tagen neu auf diesem Server, uns möchte gerne neue deutsche Kontakte knüpfen. Könnt mir ja einfach ne PN schreiben oder euren Namen in diesem Thread vieleicht kann man sich dann mal Unterhalten :D Gruß MysticFrozen IG-Name: MysticFrozen
    1 point
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