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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/26/12 in all areas

  1. Presents... New Floating Rates System will take effect every Friday at 12:01am (server time) and will last until Sunday at 11:59pm (server time). Rates will increase to 8k, making it easier to level up quickly. MvP cards will drop at 20% instead of 10%. Treasure chest rewards will drop at a 50% higher rate than normal. Be sure not to miss out on the fun! Thanatos Card drop rate has been increased to .07% from .01% on weekdays. During the floating rate weekends, the rate increases to 1.4%! 2 new quests have been added in game! Word in Forsaken City is that Kelly has a new Usakoring headgear she'd like to make especially for you this month. If that doesn't suit your fancy, why not try helping Henry? He'll give you your very own Feather Beret in any color of your choice! (Depicted above.) Increased requirements to get Black Emperium Aurora from Battle Royale Added Azure emperium/imperial helm to Guild vs. Guild prizes Added Majestic Purple emperium/imperial helm to Guild vs. Guild Implemented the @noks command* *The first person to hit the mob owns it, if they do not attack it after 10 seconds, it's free for anyone else to take it. Disabled Player vs. Player in thana_boss map Implemented Floating Rates system on weekends Increased drop rate of Thanatos card Added Usakoring and Feather Beret quests Veracity for the Usakoring and Feather Beret quests Leaz for the Feather Beret recolors exclusively for ForsakenRO Relinquish and Genesis for the coding Barbie for the previews
    1 point
  2. 100% correct. The more people buying and selling means a better and stronger economy. Boosting the rating will promote trade. Trade leads to a healthier economy... If you have an elite few with certain items that don't trade then it hurts the economy. At the moment we have that. An elite few old players hoarding their thanatos cards and never trading them. As more thanatos cards come into the market people will be trading more. It is true that the card itself will drop in value but I feel it's worth it to promote trade. 10K+ token value on a single card seems a big ridiculous to me to begin with. I personally don't give a shit if my thanatos card goes to 1k token value if it means people are actually online and trading items more often. PM me for any further explanation and economic theory discussions! TLDR: Good update guys!
    1 point
  3. I'm not sure where you are getting your information from but, you are dead wrong. The more expendable income the average player has (as opposed to a select few) the more they are able to spend. If 100 people are buying and selling, the economy is much stronger than if 10 are buying and selling. Its a maximum of 1.4%, its not like its at 100%.
    1 point
  4. Whatever happens... don't nerf the GTB... PLEASE
    1 point
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