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Jer Flip

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Since it is regarding one of my colleagues ( or ex-colleague in this case), I would like to drop a small post, this is not to diminish ( nor insult) anyone or their feelings nor am I picking sides here ( I much rather stay out of drama such as this ); I repeat I am doing this because it is about the GM Team. The reason Milhouse got "kicked" was because of a simply misunderstanding; When this happened I got a PM from him which read this: " WTF why am I banned? I can't logon my GM!" My reply was " Strange, stay put I'll solve this problem." ( At which case I blocked him from MSN for a short amount of time to find the reason for his recent booting in peace) ; clearly ignoring what I had said he went and told fellow players these massive assumptions on how I staged this whole "underground scheme" , in order to get him kicked; when in reality I was the one helping him. Not only did he say/claim to have seen every GM being lazy and/or messing in PvP all day long ( Which I ironically is what he did) he even said he could prove some these abusive actions; claiming that Colagua @spawned stuff for himself ( Irony strikes again; @spawn is a Level 30 and Above command which Colague is not. ); as well as other fable tales about each and every GM. So you see, the real culprit behind Milhouse's removal from GM was himself, something he openly admitted.

He did all of this after he was kicked, probably in spite. It doesn't change the fact that he was wrongly accused, and he was kicked without proper evidence, which is not how a server should be managed. No apologies have even been made to him yet.

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Since it is regarding one of my colleagues ( or ex-colleague in this case), I would like to drop a small post, this is not to diminish ( nor insult) anyone or their feelings nor am I picking sides here ( I much rather stay out of drama such as this ); I repeat I am doing this because it is about the GM Team. The reason Milhouse got "kicked" was because of a simply misunderstanding; When this happened I got a PM from him which read this: " WTF why am I banned? I can't logon my GM!" My reply was " Strange, stay put I'll solve this problem." ( At which case I blocked him from MSN for a short amount of time to find the reason for his recent booting in peace) ; clearly ignoring what I had said he went and told fellow players these massive assumptions on how I staged this whole "underground scheme" , in order to get him kicked; when in reality I was the one helping him. Not only did he say/claim to have seen every GM being lazy and/or messing in PvP all day long ( Which I ironically is what he did) he even said he could prove some these abusive actions; claiming that Colagua @spawned stuff for himself ( Irony strikes again; @spawn is a Level 30 and Above command which Colague is not. ); as well as other fable tales about each and every GM. So you see, the real culprit behind Milhouse's removal from GM was himself, something he openly admitted.

lol, I'm new, so I wasn't here for that

all I'm going to say on the subject is that I have a gay friend and I bet he would love to use the name Milhouse....

oh yeah, and for my Loki answer: I'm not gay, but I have given birth to and eight-legged horse, a giant wolf, and a giant sea serpent....

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Since it is regarding one of my colleagues ( or ex-colleague in this case), I would like to drop a small post, this is not to diminish ( nor insult) anyone or their feelings nor am I picking sides here ( I much rather stay out of drama such as this ); I repeat I am doing this because it is about the GM Team. The reason Milhouse got "kicked" was because of a simply misunderstanding; When this happened I got a PM from him which read this: " WTF why am I banned? I can't logon my GM!" My reply was " Strange, stay put I'll solve this problem." ( At which case I blocked him from MSN for a short amount of time to find the reason for his recent booting in peace) ; clearly ignoring what I had said he went and told fellow players these massive assumptions on how I staged this whole "underground scheme" , in order to get him kicked; when in reality I was the one helping him. Not only did he say/claim to have seen every GM being lazy and/or messing in PvP all day long ( Which I ironically is what he did) he even said he could prove some these abusive actions; claiming that Colagua @spawned stuff for himself ( Irony strikes again; @spawn is a Level 30 and Above command which Colague is not. ); as well as other fable tales about each and every GM. So you see, the real culprit behind Milhouse's removal from GM was himself, something he openly admitted.

PS: To stay on topic I would like to state that I am not gay. =]


(: I mean hi. ;D And I think you guys should stop with the spamming... o_o we had a lot of Milhouse topics already. :x

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He did all of this after he was kicked, probably in spite. It doesn't change the fact that he was wrongly accused, and he was kicked without proper evidence, which is not how a server should be managed. No apologies have even been made to him yet.

Excuse me?You speak of providing evidence would you have any with statements said b his fellow teammates "insulting" him?Or perhaps of the supposed underground conspiracy I organized to get him kicked? Did you not read the above post? He was kicked because of what he said starting with the lies about myself, to top that off a GM is suppose to actually answer questions; not just say something he is not sure ( which he should look up if he is not before answering)off the top of his head to silence someone so he can continue goofing around in PvP but that is beside the point; I do not believe we owe an apology to him, rather the other way.

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I would like to add that I have recieved numerous cases of abuse from Milhouse.

1. Someone was jailed Nine thousand nine hundred and ninety nine years for simply having a ressurection bug. Of course, he had not been apologized by Milhouse and not even had a chance to save his spawn. Which resulted in a mass conflict. It has been solved by myself.

2. He has killed someone in PvP which I have recieved a screenshot from someone.

3. He has countlessly been in PvP (Which shouldn't really be often) and just talking with people. Which should not be happening due to the fact that GMs are suposingly private and should only conflict with others when necessary.

4. He does not know a lot about RO in game. Which was a requirement on our GM application list. Which he lied since he stated that he had over 5 years of experience. As I stated in a previous post, he has said that Full Protection, Enchant Deadly Poison, and other effects can be dispeled. This also adds to the not enough RO knowledge part. Of course, he has also not known what a bot was, or known how to deal with one. On his first day, I had to instruct him on many tasks, although he has said he was GMing on other previous servers in the past.

claiming that Colagua @spawned stuff for himself ( Irony strikes again; @spawn is a Level 30 and Above command which Colague is not. ); as well as other fable tales about each and every GM. So you see, the real culprit behind Milhouse's removal from GM was himself, something he openly admitted.

PS: To stay on topic I would like to state that I am not gay. =]

Edit: When did level 30's have @spawn? I don't seem to have it.

PS: I am not gay either.

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Oooh yeah jer you are a sexy beast -0-

Oh and about Milhouse, He DOES disearve an appoligy, he was not warned about himself being kicked off, which is NOT how you handle things, also, I love how you, amalga, you of all poeple say that you've done sooo much about him when your really only on for the weekends, which is actually a funny story because i couldnt see hiring anyone that inactive. Even if he did make asumptions you guys owe him an appoligy, your better then that, Oh and did i meantion that shortly after his GM was kicked all his accounts were banned? Legit and all. I made asumptions too, most of them correct, No evidence i found on Colagua about summoning monsters, but what you do see often on him is that he holds events for himself.


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What I'm trying to say is that Milhouse was no different than any other GM on the server, except for the fact that he offered better support and actually answered questions. He wasn't an illiterate Jew like Zeitgeist.

GM's (not all) who rant about Milhouse are the biggest hypocrites I've ever seen. The only reason Milhouse is accused (and not other GM's) is because Zeitgeist was jealous and decided to report him, thus putting him in the spotlight. Believe me, other GM's have reasons to be kicked also.

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=( im a jew...

And yeah, your right jer, many other GMs do have way bigger reasons to be watched like that other then Milhouse, once he was accused other GMs started to do it thinking it was OK to make up shit, AKA half the reason why ive quit [due to half of our stupid GMs].

Oh and quote of Zeitgeist "Oh? and who was rated the best gm on the server? Me."

Laugh @ you zeit, wanna know why you were voted the highest? It was because when the GMs didnt have the limit on teamed events you held like 2-4 a day yourself, thats why, nothing eles.

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Well since this has t urned into a " x GM is a jew" and "x GM is corrupt" I think its about time to close this up. I would like to ad Zeit had nothing to do with Milhouse if you believe otherwise please let me know with some proof will you? Thanks.

PS: Anymore disrespect toward the staff will result in a warn. If you do not like the fact that Milhouse is no longer on the staff then go nag to him about it, his legits were in NO way banned EVER so that is a lie right there. ( don't claim something you don't have proof of, such as what Kingdom does he has told numerous people Colagua summoned monsters for himself yet myself and Relinquish are the only ones with @spawn now you change the story to your liking, alot of accusations for such a low level GM which was on the staff for less than 2 weeks.) Thank you.

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I haven't noticed that this topic has been turned to this. I think some of you need a direct response out of me, for the sake of drama being eradicated.

Uhm, now you have to deal with the fact that:

1. He barely did support? Zeitgeist does the worst support ever. I asked him a question, he didn't answer. I called someone in PVP a "fatass" (kiddingly) and he gave me a warning. Milhouse, however, is not retarded, knows what is serious and what is not, and generally answers accurately any question you have.

2. I never saw him kill anyone intentionally. May have missclicked and killed someone by mistake, but that doesn't really matter.

3. You have absolutely no proof to back any of this up.

EDIT: my last post.

If I didn't answer your question, you should've, at least, @request a second time. You simply have no idea at the huge quantity of Private Messages I get when people are aware I'm online. If I warned you for calling someone "fatass" is because I got a report of verbal abuse; obviously, the other player didn't find it a joke.

What I'm trying to say is that Milhouse was no different than any other GM on the server, except for the fact that he offered better support and actually answered questions. He wasn't an illiterate Jew like Zeitgeist.

GM's (not all) who rant about Milhouse are the biggest hypocrites I've ever seen. The only reason Milhouse is accused (and not other GM's) is because Zeitgeist was jealous and decided to report him, thus putting him in the spotlight. Believe me, other GM's have reasons to be kicked also.

This one statement baffles me the most. I'm in no way superior in command than Milhouse and I've never criticized his work as a GM. Besides, I have absolute no inquiry in GM positions. Also, just what am I jealous about?

As a side note: I read and study 4-5 books per year, not including the books I study for school. Clearly, I'm not an illiterate. Also, I'm Catholic.

=( im a jew...

And yeah, your right jer, many other GMs do have way bigger reasons to be watched like that other then Milhouse, once he was accused other GMs started to do it thinking it was OK to make up shit, AKA half the reason why ive quit [due to half of our stupid GMs].

Oh and quote of Zeitgeist "Oh? and who was rated the best gm on the server? Me."

Laugh @ you zeit, wanna know why you were voted the highest? It was because when the GMs didnt have the limit on teamed events you held like 2-4 a day yourself, thats why, nothing eles.

I think the "oooh-oohh!" I added before that gave away the fact that I was joking around. Then again, I guess I gave you too much credit in the deduction apartment. I don't need a Poll consistent of 50 or less votes to know I do a good job. In any case, all the gratification I need is the "Thank you" I get from players when I answer their questions or hold events for them, nothing more.

Side note: @ is used when referring to HTTP addresses. It has never been claimed to be a valid substitution of "at".

At any rate. I don't want to leave the topic open because it will just lead to incoherent discussions. If any of you has any further question or quarrel with me, you're welcome to send me a forum PM.

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Oooh yeah jer you are a sexy beast -0-

Oh and about Milhouse, He DOES disearve an appoligy, he was not warned about himself being kicked off, which is NOT how you handle things, also, I love how you, amalga, you of all poeple say that you've done sooo much about him when your really only on for the weekends, which is actually a funny story because i couldnt see hiring anyone that inactive. Even if he did make asumptions you guys owe him an appoligy, your better then that, Oh and did i meantion that shortly after his GM was kicked all his accounts were banned? Legit and all. I made asumptions too, most of them correct, No evidence i found on Colagua about summoning monsters, but what you do see often on him is that he holds events for himself.


I just want to reply to this. Although I may not be active during weekdays. I DO do work without being online. Such as minor scripting, inserting ideas. Checking forums. Reporting bugs. Able to read & speak a few languages, such as some French, English, and Chinese. Plus, showing that I've seen so much about Milhouse while I am so inactive does show how occuring his problems were. So, even if I am inactive. I do things offline. You should remember in the past where I was telling you about our future update on cards and such. Although it was not completely accurate, half of them were added.

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