Lucius Posted January 19, 2009 Author Report Posted January 19, 2009 Yea... NEXT QUESTION? You will find all of your questions solved here.
Amitsu Posted January 19, 2009 Report Posted January 19, 2009 how are you on here when your computer is having "major technical difficulties"? at the least get on msn
Icarus Posted January 19, 2009 Report Posted January 19, 2009 Question: Why are you coming back to Forsaken every time you get banned?
Amitsu Posted January 19, 2009 Report Posted January 19, 2009 me or him? Q:Why are you coming back to Forsaken every time you get banned? A:because every time he gets banned its because he's right and they ban him because they cant outsmart him.
Icarus Posted January 19, 2009 Report Posted January 19, 2009 The question was at Dama but it was interesting hearing your opinion :3
Lucius Posted January 19, 2009 Author Report Posted January 19, 2009 Amitsu Question: how are you on here when your computer is having "major technical difficulties"? at the least get on msn Answer: Because Firefox, iTunes, Paint, Notepad and Project64 are the only functioning programs... - Icarus Question: Why are you coming back to Forsaken every time you get banned? Answer: Classified information, please refrain from asking sensitive questions, thank you. -Amitsu! Leave the answering to me, I'm the omniscient one here D:< Next question?
Lucius Posted January 19, 2009 Author Report Posted January 19, 2009 Amitsu said: im the pessimistic one. lol LOL! Omniscient and pessimistic aren't relevant to each other! Lmao. x] Next question?
Amitsu Posted January 19, 2009 Report Posted January 19, 2009 what is the length of your hair in miles?
Lucius Posted January 19, 2009 Author Report Posted January 19, 2009 Amitsu Question: what is the length of your hair in miles? Answer: 0 Miles Next Question?
Genesis Posted January 19, 2009 Report Posted January 19, 2009 Stop kissing ass ( thus spamming ) and let the thread do its job.
Levis Posted January 19, 2009 Report Posted January 19, 2009 Question: Is ForsakenRO able to be the #1 on Toplist (we all know it's the best)?
Amitsu Posted January 19, 2009 Report Posted January 19, 2009 Question: Is ForsakenRO able to be the #1 on Toplist (we all know it's the best)? Answer: No because the last time i was ever on rebirthro (few years back) the main GM announce server permanent shutdown unless it gets 1st place in the ranking. lol
-Insane- Posted January 19, 2009 Report Posted January 19, 2009 Question: Why can't you use meebo or MSN Webmessenger to get on MSN?
cookiesNapples Posted January 23, 2009 Report Posted January 23, 2009 what is the meaning of life. let the controversy begin.
Lucius Posted January 23, 2009 Author Report Posted January 23, 2009 Levis Question: Is ForsakenRO able to be the #1 on Toplist (we all know it's the best)? Answer: Yes because in due time the other servers will die. - -Insane- Question: Why can't you use meebo or MSN Webmessenger to get on MSN? Answer: Too much friends on MSN, more than AIM, it lags me more, computer messed up. - Icarus Question: How much do you hate me? =/ Answer: I don't hate you, I hate your passion for the Nazi. - cookiesNapples Question: what is the meaning of life. Answer: Life is the essence that allows us to be separate from inorganic objects e.g: Rocks, Sand, Snow. Carbon is in every life form.
cookiesNapples Posted January 23, 2009 Report Posted January 23, 2009 Lucius said: cookiesNapples Question: what is the meaning of life. Answer: Life is the essence that allows us to be separate from inorganic objects e.g: Rocks, Sand, Snow. Carbon is in every life form. so.... the reason you live is because you know you are not an inorganic/inaminate object. =X
Lucius Posted January 23, 2009 Author Report Posted January 23, 2009 cookiesNapples said: so.... the reason you live is because you know you are not an inorganic/inaminate object. =X Ask your questions carefully, you asked me what life is, and so I told you what life is. If you wish, I will find a answer for you: life /laɪf/ n [lahyf] noun, plural lives /laɪvz/ [lahyvz], adjective –noun 1. the condition that distinguishes organisms from inorganic objects and dead organisms, being manifested by growth through metabolism, reproduction, and the power of adaptation to environment through changes originating internally. 2. the sum of the distinguishing phenomena of organisms, esp. metabolism, growth, reproduction, and adaptation to environment. 3. the animate existence or period of animate existence of an individual: to risk one's life; a short life and a merry one. 4. a corresponding state, existence, or principle of existence conceived of as belonging to the soul: eternal life. 5. the general or universal condition of human existence: Too bad, but life is like that. 6. any specified period of animate existence: a man in middle life. 7. the period of existence, activity, or effectiveness of something inanimate, as a machine, lease, or play: The life of the car may be ten years. 8. a living being: Several lives were lost. 9. living things collectively: the hope of discovering life on other planets; insect life. 10. a particular aspect of existence: He enjoys an active physical life. 11. the course of existence or sum of experiences and actions that constitute a person's existence: His business has been his entire life. 12. a biography: a newly published life of Willa Cather. 13. animation; liveliness; spirit: a speech full of life. 14. resilience; elasticity. 15. the force that makes or keeps something alive; the vivifying or quickening principle: The life of the treaty has been an increase of mutual understanding and respect. 16. a mode or manner of existence, as in the world of affairs or society: So far her business life has not overlapped her social life. 17. the period or extent of authority, popularity, approval, etc.: the life of the committee; the life of a bestseller. 18. a prison sentence covering the remaining portion of the offender's animate existence: The judge gave him life. 19. anything or anyone considered to be as precious as life: She was his life. 20. a person or thing that enlivens: the life of the party. 21. effervescence or sparkle, as of wines. 22. pungency or strong, sharp flavor, as of substances when fresh or in good condition. 23. nature or any of the forms of nature as the model or subject of a work of art: drawn from life. 24. Baseball . another opportunity given to a batter to bat because of a misplay by a fielder. 25. (in English pool) one of a limited number of shots allowed a player: Each pool player has three lives at the beginning of the game. –adjective 26. for or lasting a lifetime; lifelong: a life membership in a club; life imprisonment. 27. of or pertaining to animate existence: the life force; life functions. 28. working from nature or using a living model: a life drawing; a life class. —Idioms 29. as large as life, actually; indeed: There he stood, as large as life. Also, as big as life. 30. come to life, a. to recover consciousness. b. to become animated and vigorous: The evening passed, but somehow the party never came to life. c. to appear lifelike: The characters of the novel came to life on the screen. 31. for dear life, with desperate effort, energy, or speed: We ran for dear life, with the dogs at our heels. Also, for one's life. 32. for the life of one, as hard as one tries; even with the utmost effort: He can't understand it for the life of him. 33. get a life, to improve the quality of one's social and professional life: often used in the imperative to express impatience with someone's behavior. 34. not on your life, Informal . absolutely not; under no circumstances; by no means: Will I stand for such a thing? Not on your life! 35. take one's life in one's hands, to risk death knowingly: We were warned that we were taking our lives in our hands by going through that swampy area. 36. to the life, in perfect imitation; exactly: The portrait characterized him to the life.
cookiesNapples Posted January 23, 2009 Report Posted January 23, 2009 Lucius said: Ask your questions carefully, you asked me what life is, and so I told you what life is. If you wish, I will find a answer for you: life /laɪf/ n [lahyf] noun, plural lives /laɪvz/ [lahyvz], adjective –noun 1. the condition that distinguishes organisms from inorganic objects and dead organisms, being manifested by growth through metabolism, reproduction, and the power of adaptation to environment through changes originating internally. 2. the sum of the distinguishing phenomena of organisms, esp. metabolism, growth, reproduction, and adaptation to environment. 3. the animate existence or period of animate existence of an individual: to risk one's life; a short life and a merry one. 4. a corresponding state, existence, or principle of existence conceived of as belonging to the soul: eternal life. 5. the general or universal condition of human existence: Too bad, but life is like that. 6. any specified period of animate existence: a man in middle life. 7. the period of existence, activity, or effectiveness of something inanimate, as a machine, lease, or play: The life of the car may be ten years. 8. a living being: Several lives were lost. 9. living things collectively: the hope of discovering life on other planets; insect life. 10. a particular aspect of existence: He enjoys an active physical life. 11. the course of existence or sum of experiences and actions that constitute a person's existence: His business has been his entire life. 12. a biography: a newly published life of Willa Cather. 13. animation; liveliness; spirit: a speech full of life. 14. resilience; elasticity. 15. the force that makes or keeps something alive; the vivifying or quickening principle: The life of the treaty has been an increase of mutual understanding and respect. 16. a mode or manner of existence, as in the world of affairs or society: So far her business life has not overlapped her social life. 17. the period or extent of authority, popularity, approval, etc.: the life of the committee; the life of a bestseller. 18. a prison sentence covering the remaining portion of the offender's animate existence: The judge gave him life. 19. anything or anyone considered to be as precious as life: She was his life. 20. a person or thing that enlivens: the life of the party. 21. effervescence or sparkle, as of wines. 22. pungency or strong, sharp flavor, as of substances when fresh or in good condition. 23. nature or any of the forms of nature as the model or subject of a work of art: drawn from life. 24. Baseball . another opportunity given to a batter to bat because of a misplay by a fielder. 25. (in English pool) one of a limited number of shots allowed a player: Each pool player has three lives at the beginning of the game. –adjective 26. for or lasting a lifetime; lifelong: a life membership in a club; life imprisonment. 27. of or pertaining to animate existence: the life force; life functions. 28. working from nature or using a living model: a life drawing; a life class. —Idioms 29. as large as life, actually; indeed: There he stood, as large as life. Also, as big as life. 30. come to life, a. to recover consciousness. b. to become animated and vigorous: The evening passed, but somehow the party never came to life. c. to appear lifelike: The characters of the novel came to life on the screen. 31. for dear life, with desperate effort, energy, or speed: We ran for dear life, with the dogs at our heels. Also, for one's life. 32. for the life of one, as hard as one tries; even with the utmost effort: He can't understand it for the life of him. 33. get a life, to improve the quality of one's social and professional life: often used in the imperative to express impatience with someone's behavior. 34. not on your life, Informal . absolutely not; under no circumstances; by no means: Will I stand for such a thing? Not on your life! 35. take one's life in one's hands, to risk death knowingly: We were warned that we were taking our lives in our hands by going through that swampy area. 36. to the life, in perfect imitation; exactly: The portrait characterized him to the life. thanks. Q: what is the meaning of life. here: let me find the definition of "meaning" for you. 1. what is intended to be, or actually is, expressed or indicated; signification; import: the three meanings of a word. 2. the end, purpose, or significance of something: What is the meaning of life? What is the meaning of this intrusion? 3. Linguistics. a. the nonlinguistic cultural correlate, reference, or denotation of a linguistic form; expression. b. linguistic content (opposed to expression ). –adjective 4. intentioned (usually used in combination): She's a well-meaning person. 5. full of significance; expressive: a meaning look. Origin: 1250–1300; ME (n.); see mean 1 , -ing 1 , -ing 2 Language Translation for : meaning Spanish: sentido, significado, German: die Bedeutung, Japanese: 意味 View 30 other languages » mean 1 /min/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [meen] Show IPA Pronunciation verb, meant, mean⋅ing. –verb (used with object) 1. to have in mind as one's purpose or intention; intend: I meant to compliment you on your work. 2. to intend for a particular purpose, destination, etc.: They were meant for each other. 3. to intend to express or indicate: What do you mean by “liberal”? 4. to have as its sense or signification; signify: The word “freedom” means many things to many people. 5. to bring, cause, or produce as a result: This bonus means that we can take a trip to Florida. 6. to have (certain intentions) toward a person: He didn't mean you any harm. 7. to have the value of; assume the importance of: Money means everything to them. She means the world to him. –verb (used without object) 8. to be minded or disposed; have intentions: Beware, she means ill, despite her solicitous manner. —Idiom 9. mean well, to have good intentions; try to be kind or helpful: Her constant queries about your health must be tiresome, but I'm sure she means well. Origin: bef. 900; ME menen, OE mǣnan; c. G meinen, D meenen Unabridged (v 1.1) Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006. Cite This Source mean 1 (mēn) Pronunciation Key v. meant (měnt), mean·ing, means v. tr. 1. 1. To be used to convey; denote: "'The question is,' said Alice, 'whether you can make words mean so many different things'" (Lewis Carroll). 2. To act as a symbol of; signify or represent: In this poem, the budding flower means youth. 2. To intend to convey or indicate: "No one means all he says, and yet very few say all they mean, for words are slippery and thought is viscous" (Henry Adams). 3. To have as a purpose or an intention; intend: I meant to go running this morning, but I overslept. 4. To design, intend, or destine for a certain purpose or end: a building that was meant for storage; a student who was meant to be a scientist. 5. To have as a consequence; bring about: Friction means heat. 6. To have the importance or value of: The opinions of the critics meant nothing to him. She meant so much to me. v. intr. To have intentions of a specified kind; be disposed: They mean well but lack tact. [Middle English menen, from Old English mǣnan, to tell of; see mei-no- in Indo-European roots.] mean·ing (mē'nĭng) Pronunciation Key n. 1. Something that is conveyed or signified; sense or significance. 2. Something that one wishes to convey, especially by language: The writer's meaning was obscured by his convoluted prose. 3. An interpreted goal, intent, or end: "The central meaning of his pontificate is to restore papal authority" (Conor Cruise O'Brien). 4. Inner significance: "But who can comprehend the meaning of the voice of the city?" (O. Henry). adj. 1. Full of meaning; expressive. 2. Disposed or intended in a specified manner. Often used in combination: a well-meaning fellow; ill-meaning intentions. Synonyms: These nouns refer to the idea conveyed by something, such as a word, action, gesture, or situation: Synonyms are words with the same or nearly the same meaning. In one of its acceptations value is a technical term in music. The import of his statement is ambiguous. The term anthropometry has only one sense. The significance of a green traffic light is widely understood. Linguists have determined the hieroglyphics' signification. The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition Copyright © 2006 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved. Cite This Source Explore the Visual Thesaurus » Related Words for : meaning pregnant, significant, import, significance, signification View more related words » meaning adjective 1. rich in significance or implication; "a meaning look" noun 1. the message that is intended or expressed or signified; "what is the meaning of this sentence"; "the significance of a red traffic light"; "the signification of Chinese characters"; "the import of his announcement was ambiguous" 2. the idea that is intended; "What is the meaning of this proverb?" WordNet® 3.0, © 2006 by Princeton University. Cite This Source Meaning Mean"ing\, n. 1. That which is meant or intended; intent; purpose; aim; object; as, a mischievous meaning was apparent. If there be any good meaning towards you. --Shak. 2. That which is signified, whether by act lanquage; signification; sence; import; as, the meaning of a hint. 3. Sense; power of thinking. [R.] -- Mean"ing*less, a. -- Mean"ing*ly, adv. bibliography: YOU DIDNT CITE UR SOURCES!! OMGGG
Lucius Posted January 23, 2009 Author Report Posted January 23, 2009 Both meaning and definition are equivalent. You have failed to ask the right question. You meant, Why were we put here on earth. When someone gives you a hard question, what do you commonly say, "What is the definition of it?" or "What does that mean?" My knowledge does not fail me. Also: I was not writing an essay or any document, citing my source is not a requirement to using an example to answer your question. Try again.
cookiesNapples Posted January 23, 2009 Report Posted January 23, 2009 Lucius said: Both meaning and definition are equivalent. You have failed to ask the right question. You meant, Why were we put here on earth. When someone gives you a hard question, what do you commonly say, "What is the definition of it?" or "What does that mean?" My knowledge does not fail me. Also: I was not writing an essay or any document, citing my source is not a requirement to using an example to answer your question. Try again. lol u knew what i meant. why would I ask what life is? think logically. Why were we put here on earth. still havent answered my question =P btw, citing is good. u cite when you use someone else's work w/o permission. It doesnt have to b and essay or w/e.
Lucius Posted January 23, 2009 Author Report Posted January 23, 2009 cookiesNapples Question: Why were we put here on earth? Answer: To reproduce and continue human life. cookiesNapples said: btw, citing is good. u cite when you use someone else's work w/o permission. It doesnt have to b and essay or w/e. Reread the post I did when I used
cookiesNapples Posted January 23, 2009 Report Posted January 23, 2009 Lucius said: cookiesNapples Question: Why were we put here on earth? Answer: To reproduce and continue human life. the sun will blow up. human life will cease to exist. Q: y we put on earth mang? can i ask another question? respond seriously plz... .... what's a good science fair idea?