Genesis Posted December 27, 2008 Report Posted December 27, 2008 First of all, we'd like to notify the community that some rules have been altered/changed, please reread them at: Now on to the GM Applications. Even though we do a fair amount of events everyday, we have 7 ( yes Seven) slots open for GMs, which we will need to fill in order to implement a new Demolition Tri-Weekly event ( still in progress do not ask about it at this moment), this being said please here is the application form: Technical Questions: 1.- How old are you ? 2.- What time zone do you live in? 3.- How many languages can you speak fluently? 4.- How many hours do you play per day? 5.- How long do you usually stay online? 6.- How long could you stay online if it was needed? 7.- How long have you been playing RO? 8.- How long have you been playing in fRO? 9.- Are you active on our forums? 10.- What is your most active In game name. Personality questions: 1.- List at least 5 good traits about you, order them by relevance. (If you want to specify more than 5, you can do so) 2.- List at least 5 bad traits about you, order them by relevance. (If you want to specify more than 5, you can do so) 3.- How would you describe yourself? 4.- What are your reasons why you want to become a GM in fRO? 5.- Have you ever hold a position with responsibilities in the past ? If so, specify what it was. 6.- What traits do you think a GM should have to fulfill his/her job? Hypothetical situations: 1.- A player asks for your help; he was scammed recently. What do you do? 2.- A player complains to you about a punishment you applied after he/she broke the rules. What do you do? 3.- A player has reached you to complain about another member of fRO's staff. What do you do? 4.- Several players complain about how you do your job. What do you do? 5.- A player has breached the rules while in sight of your legits. What do you do? 6.- You have an issue about how other staff members do their job. What do you do? 7.- You have been assigned a task to be done at a certain time in the future. However, you cannot comply with the schedule due to personal reasons. What do you do? Requirements: 1. Must speak fluent English. 2. Must be on everyday a minimum of 4 hours, if you are not you will be removed without prior notice. 3. Must speak classic, non abbreviated English ( no "u" "itz" "cause") 4. Cannot have any prior problems with any player. ( no drama, ever) Send your applications to Note: You must be on at least 4 hours everyday . Good luck. Applications close on 12/31/2008. A total of 7 GM will be added to fill our empty slots!
-Insane- Posted December 27, 2008 Report Posted December 27, 2008 WHY ARE VULGAR GUILD NAMES AGAINST THE RULES? ;_; Can I at least have a swastika as emblem?
Perishable Posted December 27, 2008 Report Posted December 27, 2008 Hope Everyone that Sign up for GM Application get pick =)
Avalon Posted December 28, 2008 Report Posted December 28, 2008 I think it's bad to have big bolded letters spelled wrong ("everday"). Well, I would try, but unfortunately I don't play RO that much anymore and even if I did, it wouldn't be for 4 hours everyday. Sucks to have siblings and school =/. Good luck to anyone else who tries out!
Ethereal Posted December 28, 2008 Report Posted December 28, 2008 Good luck to everyone applying. o_O; I'd like to see what this Demolition Tri-Weekly event is when it comes out.
-Insane- Posted December 28, 2008 Report Posted December 28, 2008 Athena said: Balance. I speak on behalf of all of the GMs in saying we all have quite a lot to do out of game too. Part of the job is being able to manage all of it. And, you don't have to be 4 hours straight. But hey, if you can't do that, simple solution: don't apply! Hey I manage to RO 40 hours straight, so should you GMs. :< Balance is for nubs. RO IS A LIFESTYLE.
Amitsu Posted December 28, 2008 Report Posted December 28, 2008 ... 20 GMs isn't Balance. End of story no arguments.
Return. Posted December 28, 2008 Report Posted December 28, 2008 Good Luck People. XD too bad I cant apply .. I'm too busy to try rofl.
Sorrow Posted December 28, 2008 Report Posted December 28, 2008 How i'm glad to see that foul words will not be tolerated anymore as character names, guild names and party names. When characters with such names broadcasted it was like insulting the whole serwer...even made a broadcast about it the other day... One more time, this server only gets better. Makes me glad to be party of its community. Great work once again FRo staff. ^^
Amitsu Posted December 28, 2008 Report Posted December 28, 2008 my apologies Athena, but again im not argueing on the topic, i was just responding to your comment. good luck to participants
-Insane- Posted December 29, 2008 Report Posted December 29, 2008 While we're on the topic of changes, is there any way I can get rid of the "Current Mood" and new user-level images completely? Or should I just AdBlock it?
Willpower Posted December 30, 2008 Report Posted December 30, 2008 Hmm another GM Application? Hmm How many GM in Forsaken-RO right wondering about it..
Ethereal Posted December 30, 2008 Report Posted December 30, 2008 Administrators : - Genesis - Relinquish ---------------------------------- Game Masters : - Athena - Devotion - Dragon - Lithium - Sensation - Shield - Sourish - Syntax - Tidus - Zeitgeist So excluding administrators, there are 10 Game Masters. Just figured that out by using member search.
sinful7 Posted December 31, 2008 Report Posted December 31, 2008 wat skillz does this gm job come with?¿?¿?¿?
DeAmascus Posted December 31, 2008 Report Posted December 31, 2008 LMAO kuoch, you're SO not going to get picked XD!
Genesis Posted December 31, 2008 Author Report Posted December 31, 2008 sinful7 said: wat skillz does this gm job come with?¿?¿?¿? Ah... why does that matter?
» Pat Posted December 31, 2008 Report Posted December 31, 2008 cuz kill player wif gm skillz is cool la^^ Ontopic; Good Luck to everyone applying! Remember to fill out your application properly and in classic english. (: ( PUNCTUATION! )
Devotion Posted December 31, 2008 Report Posted December 31, 2008 It's preferrable that a GM doesn't nuke people randomly xP (outside an event) Why else would we enjoy dice so much ;) Good luck applicants. I hope you all understand what you're signing up for.