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So whos your favorite boss?  

57 members have voted

  1. 1. Fav Boss~?

    • Sephiroth (FF7)
    • Bowser (Mario)
    • Dr. Robotnik (Sonic)
    • Bison/Akuma (Street Fighter)
    • Rugal (King of Fighters)
    • Sin (FF10)
    • Xenmas (KH2)
    • Shao Kahn (Mortal Kombat)
    • Nemesis (Resident Evil)

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Sephiroth was a drama queen, and Square should be ashamed for exploiting absolutely everything extreme and badass in the world and attempting to wrap it all up in a single character. Final Fantasy 7 was nothing but a mainstream marketing ploy. The storyline was random, left a myriad of gaping story holes that Square only began filling in with the release of Advent Children and the Dirge of Cerberus.

While I understand that for many of you, Final Fantasy 7 was your introduction to role playing games, just because you happen to have a nostalgic place in your heart for the game doesn't mean it was the greatest Final Fantasy game made. Hell, I wouldn't even rank it in the top 5, but that's just my opinion.



I liked FF8 better than ANY FF out there. And yeah I kinda agree on grim that FF7 got a lot of holes in the story, didn't have any closure whatsoever.


Last Remnant is ok apart from the annoying ATB system, the best ATB system was in the FF series, mostly VII - X since they're easy to learn. the new ones are just too flashy and do you really need something to tell you what Phase your in? it makes the game think your a total retard and you dont know whats going on.

anyways, Sephiroth is the best boss. End Of. sure, he's a bit drama-like but everyone loves him, because his sword *which isnt a yardstick long, its even longer* and in Dissida *new game for PSP* you can kill someone in 1 move. he's that Overpowered.

^ oh yeah didn't read that... CERBERUS FROM DEVIL MAY CRY 3?!!! wtf... i beat that game with every difficulty there is and I didn't die in any stages... are you sure CERBERUS is hard? ... man you need to play more games...

and on a side note, Sephiroth in Kingdom hearts 1 and 2 is hard if you were a little underleveled and a little slow on the controller i guess... well i lost to him too but he has patterns so it is not that hard to formulate a counter.

There's no way you beat the whole game in Dante Must Die mode without dieing. That's just false. I've never seen anyone beat a boss on DMD mode in one try. (In real life)

Anyway, I would have to say Vergil on Dante Must Die mode in Devil May Cry 3 is the hardest boss I've fought.

Sephiroth in Kingdom Hearts 2 is hard if your not high level.

The last boss in Gears of War 1 is fun on Insane mode if you kill it by yourself. He's not exactly hard but really fun.

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