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You just made me throw up, thanks for that. I have this condition where I have a hard time looking at blood, respect that as well as others whom might have this. If you have an issue/concern/problem with a staff member PM me with valid proof of any sort of not allowed actions; do not cause more problems. Unless causing more problems for me and avoiding a solution is what you are after.

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Omg Genesis. Ilu rofl.


Jewel, your kid is so cute <3 Whistling at 1, that's pretty amazing. Here's my cousin, he can.. throw stuff at two ;)


and my dirty mirror.


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17 years old, student

Location Poland, Szczecin

Eww thats my hairstyle before I started growing my hair .__.

Looks like Damascus got competition >=]

Damn right.

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.. im just wondering why guys do this ..

I've never got the whole 'mines bigger than yours' thing .. maybe because I'm

perfectly average.

@mezri .. I've been in and around REAL wrestling most of my life .. I can't answer

the question for sang but I can say, I've seen people go from 150lbs and flabby

to 155lbs and solid within 3 weeks.

@Madox .. I love the fact that all your clothes are on.

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