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Jaz Min

Any Friendly Guilds Looking for Another? :3

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Hey everyone, just looking for a fun relaxed guild, more along the lines of friendly players that play together, not neccesarily for PvP or WoE, Im not quite max level yet but once I am I wouldn't mind learning ways to play WOE. I mainly play as a hybrid champion and am basically looking for other friendly players to goof off with. Contact me in game with my character name: Jaz Min


I took a look at the /desp guild requirements and one of them is that I need to be atleast lvl 255, and I am only around 180-185 right now so I don't think they will take me :(


good day!

are there any guild, who are always OL and do boss hunting? i wanna join coz im bored creating new characters. LOL


Good day!

what do you think, we make our own guild and make a pact. let's say... be onlline atleast 4 hours a day?


4 hours!!!


I would like to play that much... but i have to work, girlfriend, offline life... :P

I could try to be online everyday, but im spanish so I´m online(server time) from 16:00-17:00 pm and 19:00-20:00 pm (somedays extrange days I can play from 16-20 (stopping to take dinner))

And in weekend I play, at random time...

But we could try to do a guild... if you still want to.


good day!

yeah we could do that, i have 2 more who'd love to play and do MVP hunts and probably do quest so we can sell sell sell... so what time will you be palying? ill go OL in about 3 hours, i have work as well...


Uff, today i can´t connect till late, let´s say from this post time +7 or +8 hours and for short time.

But tomorrow ill have more time, and ill be connected by this actual time.

We could try to call each other by the broadcast (without spamming).

But i don´t know how to do a broadcast message.

See you...

@Jaz Min if you want, we can call you too for our new guild :)

and sorry for using your post :blush:


Good day!

around 26 hrs from now ill be online till the next day if you want. im working now... ;) hey Jaz min ou could join us if you want.


good day!

my in-game name? it's KYLE or YOU'REnaked ill just broadcast later when i go online in about 9hrs.

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