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Woe chest drops

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A simple suggestion. Since the chests drop berry tickets and they are already so collectable why not make them also drop poison bottle tickets lets say 5-10 tickets a chest? Let me know what you all think.


Seems fair... not that i am benefitting from all this T.T

I don't see why this wouldn't hurt. Many assassin crosses come out to WoE, and waste a crapload of EDP bottles. They deserve to be rewarded with EDP's for their hard work if their castle did hard work and their sins actually did work. Personally, I like this idea.

Totally agree, usually sinxs waste tons of edps not only for emp breaking but also on defending even while using coma to deal a sum of damage. This wouldn't hurt if it gets implemented.

Mmm that's a good idea. Since Poison Bottles are pretty difficult to collect compared to Yggdrasil Berries and time consuming, what better way to reward the castle owners a nice EDP ticket? Justice! Wooo!

EDP tix drops would be cool, as people already mentioned the hard work of SinX's =P

soo yeah /ok


If you read the rules zeit posted about suggestions you will see that this topic works just fine for the purpose of a suggestion.There is a time it is left to be discussed and after such time it will be looked at for acceptance or rejection.

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