Genesis Posted August 30, 2008 Report Posted August 30, 2008 As many of you know, we have been having some serious problems with mobs recently. This has now been fixed and a completely custom method of mod control has been installed. The following maps are now fully mobbed and 100% operational: alb_ship 1 alb2trea alberta alberta_in alde_dun01 alde_dun02 alde_dun03 alde_dun04 aldeba_in aldebaran anthell01 anthell02 arena_room c_tower1 c_tower2 c_tower3 c_tower4 force_1-1 force_1-2 force_1-3 force_2-1 force_2-2 force_2-3 force_3-1 force_3-2 force_3-3 gef_dun00 gef_dun01 gef_dun02 gef_dun03 gef_fild00 gef_fild01 gef_fild02 gef_fild03 gef_fild04 gef_fild05 gef_fild06 gef_fild07 gef_fild08 gef_fild09 gef_fild10 gef_fild11 gef_fild12 gef_fild13 gef_fild14 gef_tower geffen geffen_in gl_cas01 gl_cas02 gl_church gl_chyard gl_dun01 gl_dun02 gl_in01 gl_knt01 gl_knt02 gl_prison gl_prison1 gl_sew01 gl_sew02 gl_sew03 gl_sew04 gl_step glast_01 hunter_1-1 hunter_2-1 hunter_3-1 in_hunter in_moc_16 in_orcs01 in_sphinx1 in_sphinx2 in_sphinx3 in_sphinx4 in_sphinx5 iz_dun00 iz_dun01 iz_dun02 iz_dun03 iz_dun04 job_sword1 izlu2dun izlude izlude_in job_thief1 knight_1-1 knight_2-1 knight_3-1 mjo_dun01 mjo_dun02 mjo_dun03 mjolnir_01 mjolnir_02 mjolnir_03 mjolnir_04 mjolnir_05 mjolnir_06 mjolnir_07 mjolnir_08 mjolnir_09 mjolnir_10 mjolnir_11 mjolnir_12 moc_castle moc_fild01 moc_fild02 moc_fild03 moc_fild04 moc_fild05 moc_fild06 moc_fild07 moc_fild08 moc_fild09 moc_fild10 moc_fild11 moc_fild12 moc_fild13 moc_fild14 moc_fild15 moc_fild16 moc_fild17 moc_fild18 moc_fild19 moc_pryd01 moc_pryd02 moc_pryd03 moc_pryd04 moc_pryd05 moc_pryd06 moc_prydb1 moc_ruins monk_in morocc morocc_in new_1-1 new_1-2 new_1-3 new_1-4 new_2-1 new_2-2 new_2-3 new_2-4 new_3-1 new_3-2 new_3-3 new_3-4 new_4-1 new_4-2 new_4-3 new_4-4 new_5-1 new_5-2 new_5-3 new_5-4 orcsdun01 orcsdun02 ordeal_1-1 ordeal_1-2 ordeal_1-3 ordeal_1-4 ordeal_2-1 ordeal_2-2 ordeal_2-3 ordeal_2-4 ordeal_3-1 ordeal_3-2 ordeal_3-3 ordeal_3-4 pay_arche pay_dun00 pay_dun01 pay_dun02 pay_dun03 pay_dun04 pay_fild01 pay_fild02 pay_fild03 pay_fild04 pay_fild05 pay_fild06 pay_fild07 pay_fild08 pay_fild09 pay_fild10 pay_fild11 payon payon_in01 payon_in02 priest_1-1 priest_2-1 priest_3-1 prontera prt_are_in prt_are01 pvp_room prt_castle prt_church prt_fild00 prt_fild01 prt_fild02 prt_fild03 prt_fild04 prt_fild05 prt_fild06 prt_fild07 prt_fild08 prt_fild09 prt_fild10 prt_fild11 prt_in prt_maze01 prt_maze02 prt_maze03 prt_monk prt_sewb1 prt_sewb2 prt_sewb3 prt_sewb4 sword_1-1 sword_2-1 sword_3-1 treasure01 treasure02 wizard_1-1 wizard_2-1 wizard_3-1 xmas xmas_dun01 xmas_dun02 xmas_fild01 xmas_in beach_dun beach_dun2 beach_dun3 cmd_fild01 cmd_fild02 cmd_fild03 cmd_fild04 cmd_fild05 cmd_fild06 cmd_fild07 cmd_fild08 cmd_fild09 cmd_in01 cmd_in02 comodo quiz_00 quiz_01 g_room1-1 g_room1-2 g_room1-3 g_room2 tur_dun01 tur_dun02 tur_dun03 tur_dun04 tur_dun05 tur_dun06 alde_gld aldeg_cas01 aldeg_cas02 aldeg_cas03 aldeg_cas04 aldeg_cas05 gefg_cas01 gefg_cas02 gefg_cas03 gefg_cas04 gefg_cas05 gld_dun01 gld_dun02 gld_dun03 gld_dun04 guild_room guild_vs1 guild_vs2 guild_vs3 guild_vs4 guild_vs5 guild_vs1-1 guild_vs1-2 guild_vs1-3 guild_vs1-4 guild_vs2-1 guild_vs2-2 job_hunte job_knt job_prist job_wiz pay_gld payg_cas01 payg_cas02 payg_cas03 payg_cas04 payg_cas05 prt_gld prtg_cas01 prtg_cas02 prtg_cas03 prtg_cas04 prtg_cas05 alde_alche in_rogue job_cru job_duncer job_monk job_sage mag_dun01 mag_dun02 monk_test quiz_test yuno yuno_fild01 yuno_fild02 yuno_fild03 yuno_fild04 yuno_in01 yuno_in02 yuno_in03 yuno_in04 yuno_in05 ama_dun01 ama_dun02 ama_dun03 ama_fild01 ama_in01 ama_in02 ama_test amatsu gon_dun01 gon_dun02 gon_dun03 gon_fild01 gon_in gon_test gonryun sec_in01 sec_in02 sec_pri umbala um_dun01 um_dun02 um_fild01 um_fild02 um_fild03 um_fild04 um_in niflheim nif_fild01 nif_fild02 nif_in yggdrasil01 valkyrie himinn lou_in01 lou_in02 lou_dun03 lou_dun02 lou_dun01 lou_fild01 louyang siege_test n_castle nguild_gef nguild_prt nguild_pay nguild_alde jawaii jawaii_in gefenia01 gefenia02 gefenia03 gefenia04 new_zone01 new_zone02 new_zone03 new_zone04 payon_in03 ayothaya ayo_in01 ayo_in02 ayo_fild01 ayo_fild02 ayo_dun01 ayo_dun02 que_god01 que_god02 yuno_fild05 yuno_fild07 yuno_fild08 yuno_fild09 yuno_fild11 yuno_fild12 alde_tt02 turbo_n_1 turbo_n_4 turbo_n_8 turbo_n_16 turbo_e_4 turbo_e_8 turbo_e_16 turbo_room airplane airport einbech einbroch ein_dun01 ein_dun02 ein_fild06 ein_fild07 ein_fild08 ein_fild09 ein_fild10 ein_in01 que_sign01 que_sign02 ein_fild03 ein_fild04 lhz_fild02 lhz_fild03 yuno_pre lhz_fild01 lighthalzen lhz_in01 lhz_in02 lhz_in03 lhz_que01 lhz_dun01 lhz_dun02 lhz_dun03 lhz_cube juperos_01 juperos_02 jupe_area1 jupe_area2 jupe_core jupe_ele jupe_ele_r jupe_gate y_airport lhz_airport airplane_01 jupe_cave quiz_02 hu_fild07 hu_fild05 hu_fild04 hu_fild01 yuno_fild06 job_soul job_star que_job01 que_job02 que_job03 abyss_01 abyss_02 abyss_03 thana_step thana_boss tha_scene01 tha_t01 tha_t02 tha_t03 tha_t04 tha_t07 tha_t05 tha_t06 tha_t08 tha_t09 tha_t10 tha_t11 tha_t12 auction_01 auction_02 hugel hu_in01 que_bingo que_hugel p_track01 p_track02 odin_tem01 odin_tem02 odin_tem03 hu_fild02 hu_fild03 hu_fild06 ein_fild01 ein_fild02 ein_fild05 yuno_fild10 kh_kiehl02 kh_kiehl01 kh_dun02 kh_dun01 kh_mansion kh_rossi kh_school kh_vila force_map1 force_map2 force_map3 job_hunter job_knight job_priest job_wizard ve_in02 // missing map rachel ra_in01 ra_fild01 ra_fild02 ra_fild03 ra_fild04 ra_fild05 ra_fild06 ra_fild07 ra_fild08 ra_fild09 ra_fild10 ra_fild11 ra_fild12 ra_fild13 ra_san01 ra_san02 ra_san03 ra_san04 ra_san05 ra_temin ra_temple ra_temsky que_rachel ice_dun01 ice_dun02 ice_dun03 ice_dun04 que_thor thor_camp thor_v01 thor_v02 thor_v03 veins ve_in ve_fild01 ve_fild02 ve_fild03 ve_fild04 ve_fild05 ve_fild06 ve_fild07 poring_c01 poring_c02 que_ng nameless_i nameless_n nameless_in abbey01 abbey02 abbey03 poring_w01 poring_w02 que_san04 moscovia mosk_in mosk_ship mosk_fild01 mosk_fild02 mosk_dun01 mosk_dun02 mosk_dun03 force_4-1 force_5-1 06guild_r 06guild_01 06guild_02 06guild_03 06guild_04 06guild_05 06guild_06 06guild_07 06guild_08 z_agit que_temsky itemmall bossnia_01 bossnia_02 bossnia_03 bossnia_04 schg_cas01 schg_cas02 schg_cas03 schg_cas04 schg_cas05 sch_gld cave moc_fild20 moc_fild21 moc_fild22 que_ba que_moc_16 que_moon arug_cas01 arug_cas02 arug_cas03 arug_cas04 arug_cas05 aru_gld bat_room bat_a01 bat_a02 bat_b01 bat_b02 que_qsch01 que_qsch02 que_qsch03 que_qsch04 que_qsch05 que_qaru01 que_qaru02 que_qaru03 que_qaru04 que_qaru05 Other fixes have been done as well, here is a list: *All cards that are non-MvP can be dropped as of now. *Nocommand mapflag has been removed on maps that do not need it. *All Mapflags have been reset and redone. *Spawn Bug in Survival Event has been fixed. *All Non-MvP/Non-Plant mobs have had their spawn time removed by 50%( 1/2 spawn time) We have also begun work on the newer expansions of Kro, expect new, great things soon. Enjoy. PS: We rebooted the server so all @autotrade shops have been reset; if you want to reopen your shop you can at any time. Sorry about that. Quote
Sorrow Posted August 30, 2008 Report Posted August 30, 2008 The maps are again filled with mobs waiting to be ki...i mean...having happy lives ^^ Great job =3 Great changes as well Quote
Sieg Heart Posted August 30, 2008 Report Posted August 30, 2008 MVP SPAWN TIME REMOVED 50%? SWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET and yay finaly pay_dun00 works :P nice job GM ^^ Quote
Sorrow Posted August 30, 2008 Report Posted August 30, 2008 Sieg Heart said: MVP SPAWN TIME REMOVED 50%? SWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET and yay finaly pay_dun00 works :P nice job GM ^^ Genesis said: *All Non-MvP/Non-Plant mobs have had their spawn time removed by 50%( 1/2 spawn time) Quote
Terroryst Posted August 30, 2008 Report Posted August 30, 2008 Sieg Heart said: MVP SPAWN TIME REMOVED 50%? SWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET and yay finaly pay_dun00 works :P nice job GM ^^ All Non-MVP and Non-Plant type monsters. So monsters like hydra will spawn at half spawn rate. Quote
Blind Posted August 30, 2008 Report Posted August 30, 2008 ROFL. Read it wrong :x And, well, I hope it help's us. Well, it'll be much easier to collect material's for Elite equipment. Quote
Sieg Heart Posted August 30, 2008 Report Posted August 30, 2008 oh wait wrong :( STILL SWEEEEEET Quote
.Sushi. Posted August 30, 2008 Report Posted August 30, 2008 Thanks gen! :) uhm, gen, u mentioned "use @autoloot" when vending isnt supposed to be "@autotrade"? hmmm Quote
Yusuke Posted August 30, 2008 Report Posted August 30, 2008 Thanks gen , IT'S ABOUT TIME TO GET KRO UPDATED IN HERE WOOOHOOO XD , another thing , fix drop of any monster , the items dissapear too fast that sometimes when mob attack me i don't have time to pick it up and i sometimes forget to autoloot xD cuz I autoloot 10% for mvp cards only. Quote
Sieg Heart Posted August 30, 2008 Report Posted August 30, 2008 Yusuke said: Thanks gen , IT'S ABOUT TIME TO GET KRO UPDATED IN HERE WOOOHOOO XD , another thing , fix drop of any monster , the items dissapear too fast that sometimes when mob attack me i don't have time to pick it up and i sometimes forget to autoloot xD cuz I autoloot 10% for mvp cards only. i agreee :( Quote
Icon Posted August 30, 2008 Report Posted August 30, 2008 DeAmascus said: Jorge...I love you!!! that goes double for me ... but add a sohomo in there :D Great work as usual. Quote
Apo Posted August 31, 2008 Report Posted August 31, 2008 So now we can hunt Hydra cards twice as fast ;D Hope this next update contains Satan Morocc with its spawns and all. Quote