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1x1 Event.

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I want in when are you goin to be on

is there a place to meet for this

sounds fun


you know lets jst make this an official event under Gm's supervision atleast not only it will be recognized by most players but also the staff themselves and might someday become a server event, like what ramonjordan was trying to suggest


Well,I've got my own spot to do the real business. :D No lag,no people,NO EXCUSES. You're just SUPPOSED to PM one of us telling you want to duel us for the Event. Or whenever you ask say it's for the event so In case you lose or win,I put up ye name.

UPDATING FIRST POST SOON : People who have dueled me and thiago,and if they lost/won.

Well,me and Thi@go were thinking on a 1 vs 1 event. It's not necessarily an event,whenever we're online you can PM any of us and request the duel.

The Rules:

-You can't use Dual Clients,EXCEPT for giving yourself FCP. If we notice any other buff that is not FCP ,you're immediatly disqualified

-You can only duel us ONCE a day,no matter if it's a diffrent character. (( We got our ways to find out that. )) If there's a draw,the duel shall happen again.

-If you win a match,me or thiago might request you another. If you win that another match,you'll get 10 more coupons that what you should. If you loose,you get nothing.

If you win the duel,either me or Thi@go,you'll win 20 coupons. If you win to me AND Thi@go,you'll receive 50 coupons.

Our intention is to get new tactics with other players with 1on1,not ganging. Me or Thi@go will post in this topic the winners AND the loser

Have fun! (:

People who have dueled .Paranoia Agent. :

-CombatMuffins --> Lost

-LordGiovanni --> Lost

-Article --> Lost

-Slink, --> Lost

-Lunar Titan --> Lost/WON ((ohshitpro))

People who have dueled Thi@go. :

-Drax --> Lost

-CombatMuffins --> Lost

-ROFL for you --> Lost

-Aster --> Lost

-Hikaru --> Lost

-YellowFlash --> Lost

-Assa1nCr0ss --> Lost

-Cool Guy --> Lost

-Mayashi Shinto --> Lost

-Hidden --> Lost

-AsoBark --> Lost

-Sange Yasha --> Lost

-Lunar Titan --> Lost

Presented by: .Paranoia Agent. & Thi@go .

I never dueled Thiago....

And you got lucky i fucked up but i will be back to duel again~

But yeah don't say i lost a match i never fought..

I never dueled Thiago....

And you got lucky i fucked up but i will be back to duel again~

But yeah don't say i lost a match i never fought..

You did yesterday in for_fild01


i expect my fight at 12:00 am on the dot LOL

and damn lagg sucks those qpons are mines lol


Let me clear this up. I DID NOT, duel Thiago. but there is a person or two who knows my info. But I know I didn't duel him.. But i can't say for a 100% that my CHARACTER "CombatMuffins" Did not duel "Thiago"

I would prefer you to take off my name off Thiagos list still though, Because I wouldn't duel him, He has way more donations, and i wouldn't fight pally vs sinx..

i expect my fight at 12:00 am on the dot LOL

and damn lagg sucks those qpons are mines lol

I doubt I'm online at that time. I'm not an fRO addict sorry. Just PM .Paranoia Agent. or Thi@go. whenever your online and ask us for the duel.

Let me clear this up. I DID NOT, duel Thiago. but there is a person or two who knows my info. But I know I didn't duel him.. But i can't say for a 100% that my CHARACTER "CombatMuffins" Did not duel "Thiago"

I would prefer you to take off my name off Thiagos list still though, Because I wouldn't duel him, He has way more donations, and i wouldn't fight pally vs sinx..

Then it was your friend lol


Alright, it's time to kick your asses. ;] I'll pm you.


If you win the duel to me you get 20 coupons,if you win to Thi@go. you win 35 coupons. If you win to me AND Thi@go,you'll receive 50 coupons.

So if we beat both of you, we get a grand total of 105 coupons or something? 20 coupons for beating Paranoia, 35 from Thiago, and 50 since we beat you both = 105?

So if we beat both of you, we get a grand total of 105 coupons or something? 20 coupons for beating Paranoia, 35 from Thiago, and 50 since we beat you both = 105?

I'll tell to Paranoia to edit the post.

20 coupons for beating Paraboia, 40 coupons+ 1 fcp scroll WEAPON from me and 65 coupons if beat us.

I can't answer the question but I can remember a time when paranoia or thiago

won EVERY lms

We're back :D Everytime we both are on and an LMS opens,we will win it :D We both just drawed today on a LMS.

Our legacy is back,biatch.

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