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1x1 Event.

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Well,me and Thi@go were thinking on a 1 vs 1 event. It's not necessarily an event,whenever we're online you can PM any of us and request the duel.

The Rules:

-You can't use Dual Clients,EXCEPT for giving yourself FCP. If we notice any other buff that is not FCP ,you're immediatly disqualified

-You can only duel us ONCE a day,no matter if it's a diffrent character. (( We got our ways to find out that. )) If there's a draw,the duel shall happen again.

-If you win a match,me or thiago might request you another. If you win that another match,you'll get 10 more coupons that what you should. If you loose,you get nothing.

If you win the duel to me you get 20 coupons,if you win to Thi@go. you win 40 coupons+1 weapon scroll. If you win to me AND Thi@go,you'll receive 65 coupons and the fcp weapon scroll.

Our intention is to get new tactics with other players with 1on1,not ganging. Me or Thi@go will post in this topic the winners AND the loser

Have fun! (:

People who have dueled .Paranoia Agent. :

-CombatMuffins --> Lost

-LordGiovanni --> Lost

-Article --> Lost

-Slink, --> Lost

-Lunar Titan --> Lost/WON ((ohshitpro))

-AsoBark --> Lost x2.

-Ms.Fox --> Lost

-Laiger's Sight --> Lost

-Soul X --> Lost

-ShadowzCross --> Won ((YAY))

-b i e L ~ --> Lost

-Cakypa --> Lost

-Eternety.* --> Lost

People who have dueled Thi@go. :

-Drax --> Lost

-CombatMuffins --> Lost

-ROFL for you --> Lost

-Aster --> Lost

-Hikaru --> Lost

-YellowFlash --> Lost

-Assa1nCr0ss --> Lost

-Cool Guy --> Lost

-Mayashi Shinto --> Lost

-Hidden --> Lost

-AsoBark --> Lost x2

-Sange Yasha --> Lost

-Lunar Titan --> Lost

-`Kiria --> Lost

-Ms.Fox --> Lost

-Glory of Love --> Lost

-Diana~ --> Lost

-.Sushi --> Lost x2

-Knight of Heaven --> Lost

-Sci-Fi --> Lost

-xKittie --> Lost

-Laiger's Sight --> Lost

-Nanashi --> Lost

-ShadowzCross --> Lost

-Cakypa --> Lost

-b i e L ~ --> Lost

-Eternety.* --> Lost

-Zack Fair --> Lost

-Heart of Sword --> Lost

-Ninjaz in Pajamaz --> Lost

-Ikaku --> Lost

-Jelly~~~~ --> Lost

-Blueberry v1.0 --> Lost

People who have dueled .Paranoic Spiral.(( My LK )):

-b i e l ~ --> Lost

-Kira_yamato --> Lost

-Crono --> Lost

Presented by: .Paranoia Agent. & Thi@go . Copyright by .Paranoia Agent.


what about berries?

techincally someone with more berries will win. kinda like that much hp X berry amount.


with 50 berries you can whoop a paly with 250

IF you're geared right.

EDIT::: I wanna fight ur sniper with my wiz b /woot


Ohmyfosizzle. =.=;;

Just when I lost internet too. D;

I'd love to participate. So, we can do this whenever time of the day, but only once?

with 50 berries you can whoop a paly with 250

IF you're geared right.

EDIT::: I wanna fight ur sniper with my wiz b /woot

That's so not gonna happen dude. I'm doing this on my SinX :< And yeah,berries isn't the matter. :D


good idea:D

but lets just say a lot of ppl win.

you guys have that many dqpons?

you guys have that many dqpons?

I can't answer the question but I can remember a time when paranoia or thiago

won EVERY lms

good idea:D

but lets just say a lot of ppl win.

you guys have that many dqpons?


I'll fight.

Pm me or Paranoia in game.

.Paranoia Agent. or Thi@go.

Oh, hell nah.

I hate Paladin's. I'll probably fight Geld. But, I'll give your Paladin a try, first :D

Pm me then.

with 50 berries you can whoop a paly with 250

IF you're geared right.

EDIT::: I wanna fight ur sniper with my wiz b /woot

Paladins I see berry the same amount, if not more, as the sinx attacking them.


HEY HEY HEY ... CAN I pay tran to fight you for me? and still get the prize?

I hate fighting paladins .__. And when you say the 2v1 do you mean you two can devo too?

It isn't 2 vs 1.

You duel with Paranoia first, if you win, you duel with me after kill him.


It could be more official if you guys would do it under the supervision of a GM.

You could be recalled to a LMS map, be @killed by the GM to remove all buffs and recall one or two FCPers.

After each duel players will be killed to preserve balance and to make it look fair to everyone, both opponents.

Of course this is just a suggestion to improve your 1v1 event and I cannot guarantee a GM will always be willing to do it or to be there when you do the events.

It could be more official if you guys would do it under the supervision of a GM.

You could be recalled to a LMS map, be @killed by the GM to remove all buffs and recall one or two FCPers.

After each duel players will be killed to preserve balance and to make it look fair to everyone, both opponents.

Of course this is just a suggestion to improve your 1v1 event and I cannot guarantee a GM will always be willing to do it or to be there when you do the events.

That's the only problem. I though about having a GM with us, but it might not be possible to have one all the time we do it.


Or you could just make it rule regulation that each player dies by EDP infront of their opponent.

That way would also remove all buffs and instead of respawning you use a ygg leaf and heal via berry.

Not saying I'm going to participate, just giving you a suggestion.

As long as that rule was in play there wouldn't be a need for a GM present.

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