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Discussion on PVP

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LULZ you niggahs take things to seriously over the internet. some kid says some shit blow it off. the niggah is probably some little bitch in real life anyways.

let em talk shit. eventually someones gonna bust they lip. ;) one of my sayings

Well, I hate people who can talk and call you "noob" cause you "suck" at the game. All they can do is talk, but no walk. And, when you beat them they always run away and can never step up and accept they lost to a "noob"

who care's dood, just let them talk.

its just a game anyways.


Let us show some maturity even if this is just the internet. To maintain order in our community, we must not hold grudges against people who seemed to put us down. Whether in PvP or just random dilly-dallying, we must never forget our manners. A true respectable person shrugs off defeat like it didn't even happen, and learn from their mistakes. So what if they won over you? It takes practice and lots of perseverance to be even half-decent in an actual match. We are in no position to blame them just because they won. Its their glory, and its your thought to ponder on. Next time, who knows and you just might win. THEN it will be their turn to learn from their mistakes.

Its a give and take world, and everything is just fair as it is. Unless of course, you used some 1337 hax to dominate your opponent. Show some sportsmanship and respect and it will come back to you. Show rudeness and you'll end up a social outcast. Lets face it. We can't live by ourselves even in the internet reality we're in. Sooner or later, we'll make enemies and friends, as well as formidable rivals and dependable allies. It is up to you to balance your temper.

Now play nice and stop using insults for fun. No more a and n words and other yadda-yadda. This goes for everyone ;D


What about cunt? ... More than one of you has corrected people's use of language

but neither of you have read the entire thread otherwise you woulda seen the 'c' word.

What about fuck? ... same thing as above but different ... you can't say some words

are bad when others are just as bad

*Sarcastically applauds GM's for half-assed rule enforcment*

EDIT me if you wish but please don't add anymore of your opinions


It's PvP .. people who want to do good but wind up getting stomped just go nuts and

will say whatever comes to them at the time, which is usually a curse word ..

It is a game which is why people need to stop thinking like it's the real world.

sticks and stones people....sticks and stones

this topic should be closed with as much trouble as it is, don't you think?


Actually, its not half-assed rule enforcement. I believe its already self-explanatory that I do not want to see other bad words aside from the n words and a words. To tell me that I'm doing a half-assed work because I missed the c word, is just plainly a lack of common sense. I meant a full stop on the usage of insults and bad words, not just the ones you mentioned.

"Now play nice and stop using insults for fun. No more a and n words and other yadda-yadda. This goes for everyone."

I asked nicely. I'm sorry, but I'm just doing my job. Anything else should be taken to PMs so we could discuss about it and come to an agreement.

-topic closed-

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