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My phobias:

Brontophobia - The fear of Thunder and Lightning

Dermatopathophobia - The fear of skin disease

Hadephobia - The fear of Hell.

Lilapsophobia - The fear of Tornadoes and Hurricanes.

Necrophobia - The fear of death.

I have more, I'll just be waiting for this topic to get replies, this is the place for the scientific name for your phobia:target="_blank">http://www.pubquizhelp.com/sci/phobia.html</a>


I have:

Melissophobia - Bees

Entomophobia - Insects

Taphephobia - Being buried alive

I hate it /sob


Lol now I have to look it up, please put it like [scientific name]- Fear of [something]


Acrophobia... I guess.

I'm afraid of heights, but not to the point where you lose control and faint or some weird ass shit like that.


In my younger years I had Ranidaphobia, but I overcame it I don't think I have any phobias at this moment.


Apeirophobia - Fear of infinity - This was a few years back

Now none


Here's one more: Aichmophobia: Fears of needles or pointed objects.

I hate needles :<


wussies ..


Isn't Phobia = Irrational fear? Hating something or being 'slightly' scared of something doesn't mean you have a phobia. :l


The only 2 things worth fearing ..

Death and outliving my children


No phobias at the moment. I could say I'm claustrophobic but I don't get nervous or go ape shit if I'm in a tight space, I just don't find it comfortable at all.


Claustrophobic > . >;;

I don't have these anymore


I don't know what this phobia is called.

But I get scared when church fanatics try to make me believe in Divine Beings. ( I mean no offense to the religous types )


the only thing i fear is outliving my children. I don't have children yet, but it would be devastating to see your child die.

and heights make me uncomfertable.


He's afraid of fanatics trying to make him believe, he's probably not scared of religion itself.

Gerascophobia - Fear of growing old.

I want to die before I become crippled and old.

Also, Episcopal, I don't understand why you'd name yourself something religious if you're apparently so scared of it. o_o

I made my name to remind me of something I'm trying to break free from. :]

He's afraid of fanatics trying to make him believe, he's probably not scared of religion itself.

Yep. <3 Im not afraid of religion, frankly because I dont believe in any of the religious sectors..


not really a phobia but i have a moderate fear of hieghts, ironically i love climbing.

i also fear the dark to an extent.

earlier i was terribly frightened of dogs,going blind, and what happens after death. (i.e. eternity)

like my last wish would to be immortal. in any form life or death.

not really a phobia but i have a moderate fear of hieghts, ironically i love climbing.

i also fear the dark to an extent.

earlier i was terribly frightened of dogs,going blind, and what happens after death. (i.e. eternity)

like my last wish would to be immortal. in any form life or death.

How do you have immortality if your dead?


I also have Dentalphobia,going to the dentist is like going to an executioner for me /wah


I have intense Musophobia which is fear of rodents. This includes mice, rats, squirrels, hamsters, mole rats, guinea pigs, and any other type of rodents you can think of. And when I say intense I mean intense. If I hear any type of sound that resembles a sound of a rodent, I leave the place immediatly and am reluctant to go back in for a long time. I found squirrels in my garage like 3 years ago and now I always hesitate before entering.

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